I noticed that the dollar etf, UUP, is up 0.72% while the S&P is down just 0.28%. I will not be short just yet, but I am getting more bearish and I doubt we go much higher. Tomorrow or Thursday should be day to lay the hammer down. I hope to see some volatility on one of those days to signal that we have reached a top. If there is little volume or volatility, the short signal will be weaker. I will probably just be watching today till the close. FMHR was 2 bulls, 1 bear, 1 neutral.
MarketOwl, what is Fmhr? if it is a sentiment figure, I read today that bullish sentiment has increased dramatically in the past week. Any word on this? tia
FMHR is initials for Fast Money Halftime Report on CNBC. I don't have data from sentiment surveys that came out this week. They should be coming out tomorrow and Thursday.
marketowl, one more question, I hope I am not imposing. Here is a chart that to me is very telling, but sometimes I do not know what I am looking at:
does it give shorts pause? tia
sorry, the chart I tried do post is the $NYSI summation index (stockcharts)which just had a bullish crossover, and the track record of this indicator looks frighteningly impressive...of course they all work until they don't but still.....punch in $NYSI on stock charts and scale in the past couple years and you will see what i mean...tia
I looked at the chart, it didn't work that well the last 2 times in 2008, and of course during a furious rally in 2009, it has worked on the buy side. I am not super bearish, but I think the next 30 points from here is down, not up.
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