Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Emotional Roller Coaster

They don't make it easy on the short side.  It has been a roller coaster ride since the island top made on July 16.  For shorts, in order to catch most of the down move from mid July to early August, you had to withstand an 80 point drawdown on day 4-5 of the selloff, and a 160 point drawdown on day 11-12 of the selloff.  That face ripper on July 31 on FOMC day truly tested the mettle of the bears.  It looked similar to a lot of the past V bottoms you've had over the past 15 years.  On that Wednesday, you had a lot of BTFD conditioned bulls shouting bottom on that day, and it shook the conviction of a lot of bears.  

I must admit, I was getting a bit nervous there, as the overshoot towards SPX 5560 made it look like a V bottom.  It was definitely not according to plan.  You can thank short term FOMO buyers and short term options flows for causing such a huge squeeze in the middle of the biggest down move this year.  Thankfully, that face ripper reversed quickly, because there were some doubts that were creeping in from past scars of being short after a V bottom. 

After a face ripper like that, it is natural to want to cover your short quickly afterwards on a selloff, to avoid that pain again.  Or if you were long, to just hang on during the ensuing selloff so that you can catch another whoosh higher.  

With all the spastic short term options trading these days, you get these ridiculous overshoots that can really test your nerves.  There are positives to the options flow.  If you are selective with entries, you can get great prices to enter either shorts or longs into the overshoot.  You saw that on Monday as the longs puked out their positions, which was reinforced by gamma and vanna forces in options as vols blew out.  Of course, you have to be ready to catch those overshoots by having pre-determined levels where you want to buy or sell. 

After the violent moves of the past several weeks, it shows how important psychology is in this game.  You had the relentless up move off the April bottom into the euphoric July top, where bulls were celebrating and shouting while the bears were getting crushed and despondent.  Then the sharp reversal which destroyed a lot of late to the party bulls and rewarded the timely bears who stuck with the fundamentals and data. 

The analysis is the easy part, going through the ups and downs when you have your own money on the line is the hard part.  The markets are much more a psychological test than an analytical one.  A slightly above average market forecaster who has a good psychological game will be a better trader and investor than an excellent market forecaster who is undisciplined, and falls for the temptations of locking in wins quickly and hanging on to the losers hoping they come back.  

In order to survive in this game, you have to be more like a gambler than a salaryman.   Gamblers enjoy the stress and tension of making a bet and riding the ups and downs.  Salarymen want regular wins, at regular intervals, and get stressed out experiencing the ups and downs of holding on to volatile positions.  The world of trading is not designed for the salaryman mentality.  No trader wants to be considered a gambler, but the financial markets are a glorified casino.  It fits those that are comfortable with volatility and risk.  Of course, too much risk is just asking to get blown up.  One has to ride that fine line between taking enough risk to get meaningful returns, while not taking too much risk which leads to blow ups.

There are many failed traders who go on to selling subscriptions to have a steady income and avoid getting a real job.  Psychologically, its much easier to sell subscriptions and have that be your main source of cash flow than it is to rely on speculation as your sole source of income.   Trading on the side as a part time pursuit with a full time job or with subscription revenue is not the same as having all your income based on trading.  That's why you see so many traders come and go on Twitter, but the sub sellers are always there.  Selling something. Trading as a profession has to be one of the lowest success rate endeavors out there.  They say 8 out of 10 businesses fail.  I would guess that more than 9 out of 10 traders fail. 

Speculating is stressful, and it lures traders to try to maximize emotional comfort.  This leads to overtrading and wanting to reduce risk quickly when winning.  Its human nature to want to hang on to losing trades, hoping they come back.  And its human nature to want to get out of winning trades, fearing that the gains will be given back, and to book a win.  Its not natural to hang on to winning trades, hoping for bigger gains.  That’s why I like to put on price targets for trades, in order to have a goal for the trade.  Its a psychological tool for staying in winning trades, to ride them out as planned.

When you are holding a big position, there is stress and tension that only gets relieved once that position is completely closed out.  The psychological temptation is always there to close out that winning position, to relieve the tension and reduce the stress, to give yourself the win.  That temptation is much weaker when holding a losing position.  While closing a loser relieves tension and reduces stress, you are also locking in a loss, admitting to losing, which most people naturally hate to do. 

Back to the market.  Monday was capitulation.  It came a couple of days faster than expected, but its hard to get both price and time correct.  At least the price targets were hit, and it went beyond expectations.  That is what happens when you have so many leaning on one side of the boat and it starts to tip over.  Panic ensues.  People will talk about the unwind of yen carry trades and CTAs and vol control funds dumping their positions, but it all comes down to speculators overexposed to the long side, with very little put protection, feeling intense heat as the market went against them in a hurry.  

A look at the COT data as of July 30, when the SPX closed at 5436, a 230 point drawdown from the top on July 16.  Normally, you would see a lot more positions being unwound by the asset managers and speculators, but that's not what happened.  Net longs remained elevated. And dealers remained very short.  

It will be interesting to see what this coming Friday's COT report shows, which will cover what happened during the selloff from Thursday to Monday.  It should show heavy reductions in the asset managers and small spec long positioning.  

On Monday, and to a lesser extent on Friday, we finally got the put buying that this market needed to at least start the bottoming process.  Given that its really only just starting, and there was so little put buying during the previous days of the selloff, I would expect it to continue througout the week.  
Given the massive move higher in vol, and the psychological damage of such a volatile drop, I don't think Monday was the day that we made a V bottom.  Based on previous vol explosions like August 2015 and February 2018, we should see a retest of Monday's lows in the next few days.  Those lows will probably hold, and you can have a 2-3 week rally which would suck in the bulls again, but they will have much less enthusiasm this time, meaning that I doubt you can get back near the July highs anytime soon.  
SPX February 2018

SPX August 2015

Covered all my shorts on Monday.  Did put on a small long position in SPX and NDX, looking for a gap up and a 1 day bounce.  Which is playing out.  I will likely close out this position today and may even put on a small short position, looking for another move lower this week to retest the Monday low zone around SPX 5120-5140.  After Monday's capitulation and liquidations, the market is now buyable for a trade, on weakness, and will favor a range trading strategy, rather than a bull or bear strategy.  There should be many opportunities on both sides for the next 2 months.  This is the time to make your points and be on your game.  These kind of trading markets don't last for long.  Take advantage of it while its here.


Market Owl said...

Selling my longs here and will wait for a better setup. Will consider going long around SPX 5120 and going short around SPX 5270.

Market Owl said...

Initial read on the day: pretty weak bounce attempt overnight, looks like we'll be retesting Monday's lows either today or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

hmm shorting at 5270, not 5370? i feel this can go above 5270

Market Owl said...

Small short at 5270 for a short term play. Think we retest Monday lows on Thur or Fri.

Anonymous said...

bought 435/425 qqq put spread and 520/515 spy put spread for friday. could have done for next week but with time remaining, hard to monetize the spread well even if the move happens thu or friday

Market Owl said...

Added short around SPX 5300. Still a small position. Will look to add more if we go higher into the close and gap up Wed. morning.

Market Owl said...

Nasty close. It appears that we've set the upper boundary for this dead cat bounce at SPX 5300-5310. I would use those levels as spots to add to shorts for tomorrow, on any gap up open.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. i added around 5280 almost added more around 5310 but narrowly missed and then just wanted to wait. we may not get another opportunity tomorrow - suspect we see a gap down

Anonymous said...

Do u see scenarios where we get to below 5k or possibly 4500? Or something lik nvda falling another 25-50 pct before end of year?

shaun said...

I think it's possible go below 5k if NVDA earning will be bad in late Aug.

Anonymous said...

I think they will have a blowout quarter. That was my biggest short position and i sold everything last week including 100/90/75/50/40 strike puts all the way to june 2025 as been burnt a lot and fear market may react very positively to the earnings. Long-term I do believe they can go down a lot more but have to play it smartly and 12 months or six months might not be enough time for them to fall another 25 or 50%. At the money options are impossible and too costly.

Anonymous said...

Just dont want to miss out in case it materializes quickly but guess no easy way to play it

Market Owl said...

I think odds are low that SPX goes below 5000 for the rest of this year. It doesn't mean it can't happen, I just don't think its worth betting on it, especially now that IVs have gone way up on puts. I don't see a big drop this year, just based on how strong the first half of the year was. Usually you get sideways consolidation after these big up moves, and that is what I expect for the next 5-6 months.

The time to play for the big down moves is after a big bounce, not here. Expect a bear market in 2025 so that's when you get the real carnage, in my view.

Beginner said...

Hi Market Owl. I have been reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your insights. I am not based in the US. Could you please share what do you observe in the US economic activities? Are there more signs or anecdotes of recessions?

Anonymous said...

bought back second leg of my put spreads. qqq 425 and spy 515, will re sell them on a move lower. Also bought qqq 450 strike puts

Market Owl said...

I am not the one to ask about economic anecdotes as I am just a lone wolf speculator and don't have too many contacts in the "real" world. I have no hands on read of US economic activities. But I don't think the US is going into recession, I think this is more of a positioning unwind of investors that got too long of risk assets.

Market Owl said...

Will add to SPX shorts if we can push towards SPX 5330-5340 today. Will increase it up to a medium sized position.

Anonymous said...

Not looking as week as yesterday though. Are u still looking for a move lower in the next few days? I am not keen on carrying too much risk over the weekend

Market Owl said...

I added to shorts today. Looking for a down move into Friday.

soong said...
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soong said...

I wish saying that "You are not lone wolf speculator" !!
There is no opposite of that words.
(외롭다의 반대말이 없는 표현이 없기로 정평난 한국말에도 없긴한데...)

You don't know that your insight is inspiring to a lot of people who you can't see.

Regardless of the reason for writing this post, I don't know that your insight is inspiring many people.

초지일관 늘 "조금만" 가르쳐주는 이 글에 느닷없이 댓글들이 늘어나게 된 이유는.. 🙊🥸🙄

Anonymous said...

i will trim continuously and systematically on every 15-20 point move. dont want to be caught off guard on a move higher. of course will hold positions going into tomorrow possibly some into friday

Market Owl said...

Going down more quickly than expected. Was initially thinking SPX 5180 for price target on shorts by Fri. but this may get down to 5140 by tomorrow. Definitely not covering today.

Anonymous said...

What probability do you assign to closing above 5200 today and tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Waiting for low 5100s, but don’t want to carry the position into next week

Market Owl said...

Less than 40% for closing above 5200 today. Less than 50% for closing above 5200 for Friday. The most bearish possibility I see is volatility dropping, and the SPX staying under 5200. Two small, tight range down days going into the weekend would do it. Under that scenario, I would want to hold short into the weekend. I would want to be flat or even long into the weekend if we get a flush out today and tomorrow down to 5050 to 5100.

Market Owl said...

Bond market is quite weak this week. SPX is down 100 points from Friday's close and 10 year yields are up 20 bps. Makes me more bearish on SPX.

Anonymous said...

thanks super useful

Anonymous said...

wondering if we are today's peak or better to wait till 530o to add a bit more?

Market Owl said...

Reduced shorts here, I don't like to see another strong rally after such a weak close. Still short some, but don't have as much conviction on the moves for the rest of the week.

krako said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hmm i will wait till at least 2pm. there may be a blow rally end of the day but very low probability. but agree dont like the strong rally today

Anonymous said...

Would u reconsider going to medium position at some level of s&p 500 today? If yea, what level?

Market Owl said...

It appears that there is now more grind higher risk with shorting rallies. I was expecting a retest of Monday's lows but that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. Ranges will narrow and that usually gets the bulls bolder in trying to add long exposure. I am not going to add shorts this week, no matter what. I think a run higher next week into CPI could interest me in adding short. Doubt you see SPX go meaningfully below 5200 anytime in the next 2 weeks. The upper bound of the range for the month is harder to predict, but probably around 5350-5400. I probably will cover the remaining of my short (only small amount left) today.

Anonymous said...

could not wait till 2pm, the risk that this ends very strongly today is high. better to take a small hit and come back on higher conviction. mostly out of options before theta completely kills them. They were 520 spy and 435 qqq - in hindsight, yesterday afternoon was the best time to get out. No regrets though I tried and it did not pan out and no desire to wait until friday when it becomes a coin toss

Market Owl said...

Out of the rest of my short position. Its now time to be more selective going short. Have to give the bulls some time now to push this market higher, perhaps SPX 5400 will be the next spot to try a short. Was looking for a bigger dip to get long, but that also doesn't look likely. Now anything between 5200 to 5250 is probably a buy the dip zone for the rest of the month.

Anonymous said...

@marketowl one thing I am learning from you is flexibility. too often in the past, market action has been different from what I expected but i stuck to my guns even when I felt otherwise

Market Owl said...

Lower conviction = more flexible, Higher conviction= less flexible. It was a short term trade which I always have less conviction in. I never planned on holding the short beyond Fri, but Thursday’s strength showed that Friday it was not going down.

Market Owl said...

Next week I will be looking to short a rally either on Mon. or Tues, if the bulls try to push it towards 5400. We’ll see if they are greedy enough to do it.

Anonymous said...

I had put spreads and the down leg had enough value wed and i tried to extract theta out of it by waiting till Thursday but the market moved up sharply. I still got something from
The spread as i got out thu afternoon - fri position would have been wiped out. Plan was not to trade after monday but got carried away. Much like poker inwant to play only high probability hands going forward

Market Owl said...

Options with just a few days to expiration are exciting to trade but I rarely have such high probability trades in the short term, so if I buy options, I usually want at least 30 days till expiry to have time for the trade to work.