Friday, August 2, 2024

Altered Beast

Just from looking at the intraday SPX futures movements, quick 10 point moves in a few minutes are happening randomly without much volume.  That didn’t happen earlier this year.  The danger in the market is palpable.  This is not your Jan 1 to July 12 market.  Its a different beast.  From a calm creature to a wild, savage one.  An altered beast.  The HFTs are no longer willing to provide a lot of liquidity because the long term buyers are not there to support the market.   This higher volatility is coming off a stretch of very low realized vol, which has bred a lot of complacency in the market.  The vol control funds are near max long exposure, but will be paring their exposure fast as the higher realized vol readings will force risk reductions. 


In the options market, you don’t see as much put hedging or short selling as you did in the past.  That means investors now are more naked then ever, similar to levels that were last seen in 2000.  Its uncanny how much this feels like late 1999/ early 2000.  When investors are not well hedged, they are more apt to panic on sustained selloffs.  Emphasis on sustained.  Since these conditions happen during uptrending environments, short selloffs are not met with panic, because of the built in complacency.  The threshold to panic increases, but that also increases the magnitude of the panic when it does eventually happen.  Like the vicious down moves after hitting all time highs in the spring of 2000.  Or even the January to April 2018 convulsions near all time highs.

Investors and traders have been conditioned for the last 15 years that the market almost always goes up.  That bear markets can be scary, but are brief.  And that it always comes roaring back to make new all time highs.  This is what happened from 1982 to 2000.  But what is scarier this time is that unlike the 1982 to 2000 time period where you had massive technological productivity gains, from 2009 to 2024, all you’ve had are small, incremental gains.  The smart phone, data centers: centralizing storage and outsourcing servers, and now pie in the sky AI, have proven to be a drop in the bucket compared to faster CPUs and the internet.  

Most of the gains from the 2009 to 2024 bull market came from higher profit margins due to much lower bond yields, higher valuation multiples, oligopoly rent seeking, regulatory capture, and the government blowing out its budget to increase demand.   Those are not repeatable in the next 15 years unless the government and the population are willing to tolerate high inflation and even more inequality.  Low inflation and repeating the 2009 to 2024 money spew out of the US Treasury and Fed are not mutually compatible.  A 2000 to 2002 style bear market awaits. 

On Wednesday, they got what they wanted.  A Fed that made wholesale changes to its FOMC statement, basically paving the way for a September rate cut.  The market is always ahead of the Fed, sometimes too far ahead.  But unlike the December 2023 pivot, the rate cuts are coming this time.  The STIRs market is most accurate for the next 2 meetings, and beyond that, much less so.  SOFR and Fed funds futures never priced greater than a 50% chance of a 25 bp cut at the next meeting anytime after the December 2023 pivot.  After the weaker jobs claims data and ISM number, its pricing in 32 bps of cuts for the September meeting.  It means that the market expects 25 bps, but thinks there is a 25% chance of 50 bps cut instead.  

I don’t think we sold off yesterday because of weaker economic data.  It just went up too much yesterday on Fed hopes and call buying and that reverses quickly if the long term money isn’t there to support the higher prices.  

Reporters AND traders are always trying to find a reason for a big rally or big selloff.  The big rally on Wednesday was a combination of short covering and anticipation for a bullish reaction to the Fed meeting.   Based on what I have seen on Twitter, the eagerness to call a bottom and to catch a rally is quite common.  That is corroborated by the relatively low put/call ratios throughout this 2 week selloff.  That is uncommon.  And a big warning sign.  As well as the COT positioning data that showed small speculators getting longer into the weakness last week.  Asset managers barely flinched during last week’s selling.  They are usually reducing longs as the market goes lower.  Despite the violent selling, not much has changed regarding postioning and options flows.  Yesterday was the first day where you actually had muted call buying and some more puts bought, but its still not close to the levels seen at the April lows.  

Tape reading is overrated these days because short term patterns have changed from the past.  You never had so much short term options speculation.  Intraday, the tail is often wagging the dog.   Call speculation is driving many of these spastic moves you see these days.  So much of these flows are short term in nature because of the popularity of short term expiry options.  Dealers have to hedge these flows.  When a bunch of OTM calls suddenly get closer to the money during a rally, like on Wednesday, the gamma squeezes are intense, and lead to exaggerated up moves that are not supported by longer term, stickier flows.  So you get payback and vicious mean reversion as the artificially high prices bring in longer term sellers and there is an air pocket underneath.  

Apparently a 270 point SPX selloff over the past 2 weeks wasn’t enough to scare the crowd.  We may need a 400 point selloff from top to bottom to finally see the call buying subside and for the put buying to really pick up.  I will remain max short until I see much higher put/call ratios.  Its tempting to try to microtrade and catch all the short term moves, and to try to avoid drawdowns.  But that often leads to taking profits too early and missing the big sustained moves.  I expect sustained selling for the next few days as we get closer to the pain threshold for the longs.


Market Owl said...

Yes, price target is still 5250. Although I think it could overshoot down to 5200, I also don’t want to be caught short on a big reversal, so you have to factor in risk/reward. I may start to trim from 5270 down to 5250. I have to see the price action before making a decision.

Anonymous said...

understood. we open around 5350 but seems you wont trim there. I sold golden 540 strike puts for today for nothing yesterday lol. yes money is made by holding on but been killed so much in the last 10 years cant blame myself for derisking

Market Owl said...

I try not to let the past cloud my analysis for what I observe right now. Its rare to get these kind of shorting opportunties. I don't blame you for derisking, but my analysis shows me that we are going lower. There just isn't enough put protection out there for the kind of volatility that we're seeing. Its a powder keg out there. Its not just the SPX. Its global. And happening across FX (see yen) and bonds. There is a global de-risking going on and it doesn't stop with the SPX down 5% from euphoric all time highs.

Anonymous said...

may be will be more patient today. will trim for sure though as going into the weekend with too much risk not the best idea. may be the capitulation happens today

Market Owl said...

Current put/call ratio at 0.96. It hit a peak of 1.20 in mid April. ISEE index at 115. It hit a low of 87 in mid April. VIX spiked up to 29.66 but has grinded back down to 24s. Markets usually don't bottom on Fridays, and after just 2 days of selling after a big rally. Looking for more selling early next week. Max short.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Much appreciated. I trimmed more - out of iwm and qqq. Still short spy, nvda, xhb, dhi and net. Dhi and net have remained flat through the selloff

soong said...

AA 잡고 플랍에 AAK, 다음주 턴,다다음주 리버.
But we must think about AAAA vs royal stiple.

Even if it waits us, A Quad must go all in.

Market is always hell awaits.

Meditation 🧘‍♂️ and Zen.

Shaun said...

Someone says recession will not come cuz 50bp down for interests rate will bring bullish narrative next week or sooner than later.
What do you think of this opinion?

Market Owl said...

Interest rate cuts by the Fed will not be as stimulative as most people expect. In the US, you have lots of fixed rated mortgage debt which is way below current rates, meaning no refi boom. Also rates 5 years ago were much lower than now, meaning bond reissuance will still be done at much higher rates. Only big, big rate cuts down close to ZIRP levels will have much impact.
With inflationary fiscal policy, an inflationary ZIRP monetary policy wil bring back inflation quickly. Maybe Powell does an Arthur Burns and makes that mistake of excessive rate cuts, but if he does, his legacy will merely be that of a money printing fool. I don’t think he will go that route unless you have at least 20% lower move in SPX.

Anonymous said...

The question for us necessarily is not whether he will do it or not. In the short run, the market starts believing that he will do that, and it may lead to a booming economy, it can react another way. I’m not disagreeing with you but would get out of shots on any meaningful move lower from here even if it means leaving a bunch on the table. If history is any guide, there will be another opportunity in the markets at some point

Market Owl said...

Booming economy is not happening with minor rate cuts. The economy will only react positively if Powell goes down below 2% Fed funds by early to mid 2025, which would only happen if the SPX crashes down toward 4500-4600. The Fed put is not in play here, so no need to worry about it if you are a short.

I agree, I would cover my shorts on a meaningful move lower, to be able to reload short after a technical bounce. That is the game plan for the next 2 months.

Anonymous said...

U are thinking next 1-2 months, interesting. I am planning to be out by mid week and then wait again for a great entry point

Market Owl said...

I will cover on weakness next week but will look to reshort again sometime in mid to late Aug., looking for another down move in September.

Anonymous said...

Great thank u. I may hold on to net and dhi puts but they look manipulated at best

Market Owl said...

Doing some partial covers into the overnight weakness as the longs start to panic. Still short a lot and I will take my time to cover those at lower levels or around the close on Monday.

Market Owl said...

Market is very similar to the Volmageddon market that you saw in early February 2018. VIX is exploding higher, with Aug. VIX futures going up to 37. I expect more selling today and then a possible puke at the close or on Tuesday morning. Then you can probably get a technical bounce.

Anonymous said...

craziness. i cant trade overnight so have to wait for am. hoping see fasls in net, nvda and xhb etc - got out of qqq shorts too early. but still not bad, will be an interesting day

Market Owl said...

VIX is printing at 56.62 now. The highest VIX got during Volmaggedon on Feb 06 2018 was 50.30. We are going for the Covid VIX levels now.

shaun said...

do you think Fed will call for 50 or 75bp down for interest rate to fix this crash today?

Market Owl said...

Fed will likely go 50 bps in Sep. but I doubt they will do an intermeeting emergency cut. This is not a credit crisis, its a bunch of carry traders and overleveraged fund managers reducing positions. Economy is not that weak.

Anonymous said...

I exited all shorts except net including some at losses as they barely moved. going to take a breather. With a little more courage would have been way way better but cannot complain. Sold spy 550 strike puts from $2 to $39 averaging around 12 to manage risk. An extra day wait for all trades would have increased the returns massively but next time. Thanks for all your comments and suggestions - hopefully u had a god ride

Anonymous said...

net is NET (cloudfare). may add some shorts today and leave on it.

Market Owl said...

I am waiting for the last 30 minutes to close out the rest of my shorts. I may even go long if we get down near the day's lows around SPX 5120-5130.

soong said...

Fed will do an intermeeting emergency cut.but it's will be real depression trigger.

Anonymous said...

What timeframe and level do u have in mind for exit if u go long?

Market Owl said...

If today was the bottom, I would look for a move back up towards SPX 5390-5400. Timeframe is 1 to 2 weeks. Tough to be precise but best guess based on price action and charts.

Anonymous said...

noted, thanks

Anonymous said...

If that is ur view, why not sell aug 16 spy 520 strike puts for $17. Similar upside and downside but you don’t need SPY to go to 5380 or something to make money

Anonymous said...

This morning 510 strikes sold for $17

Market Owl said...

I don't sell puts because I don't get the leverage that I would going long futures. If the margin requirements weren't so large, I would definitely prefer selling puts over buying futures.

Anonymous said...

I see. I dont use any leverage so fifferent for me. Thx

Market Owl said...

Closed out the rest of my shorts around the close. Started a small long position in SPX and NDX. Expecting VIX to grind lower over the coming days and weeks. Market is not volatile enough to sustain VIX in the high 30s.

Anonymous said...

I decided to wait eventually to see how JP does tonight. Expecting a rally but still happy to wait a few days

Anonymous said...

Nikkei up 6pct

Market Owl said...

If the price action is anything like the 2 most similar situations I rememeber: Feb 2018 and Aug 2015, this bounce will be sold quickly, either tomorrow or Wednesday. You can probably buy with more confidence and at better levels after the failed bounced. Of course, it could be a V bottom and keep rallying but unlikely given the psychological damage and pre selloff positioning.