Pattern recognition, which is the foundation for learning almost everything, is probably the most important skill. But unlike other things, the patterns aren't constant, and change just when they become too obvious to the majority. This is what screws with investors' heads, because the odds are constantly changing and indefinite.
Probably the closest thing I can find that can match trading is tennis. It's an individual sport, and you are matched up against an opponent who has certain patterns. And you have to come up with a strategy to optimize your chance of winning, while also staying mentally tough, and not placing too much emphasis on the latest few points. Also knowing when to go for a winner and when to just try to not make an unforced error. Tennis, and maybe golf after that, are probably the most psychologically demanding sports out there.
It can be mentally draining trying to stay emotionally disciplined, and not fall into deep rooted instinctual tendencies that are counterproductive for trading. Especially after a string of losses, or even just one big losing trade. Why do we have a tendency to trade more aggressively after big losses to try to comeback quickly from the loss?
Its partly feeling the need to get revenge, detesting the feeling of being a stuck loser. If I'm down 50%, it feels almost as bad as being down 90%. So might as well risk all my money to get back to break even and feel much better about myself, with the downside being losing everything, which wouldn't feel much worse than my current down 50% state. While its hard to lose everything in one trade with stocks, it is quite easy to lose everything in one trade with options, and even futures.
That's probably why a lot of traders that go from stocks to options, a lot of them don't go back to stocks. Stocks become child's play after you start trading options. Stocks are the gateway drug. Options are the end game drug. But since most retail traders are buying options, the odds are against them. Options are usually priced too expensive, both calls and puts, because you are either buying insurance or lottery tickets, both of which have to pay a premium above intrinsic value.
I would never recommend anyone to just buy naked puts or calls. The only way to neutralize the inherent overvaluation of options premium is by entering spread trades, which most retail traders don't do. I am not really into options because of the lower liquidity and higher transaction costs and slippage, but if transaction costs and liquidity were the same as futures, I would just trade options spreads. Its much easier to define risk and reward and safer in that respect.
Back to trading psychology. From my experience, you have to be willing to take losses when your thesis no longer is valid or not working, but you can't be so willing to take losses that you don't give your trades room to breathe and time to work. There is a fine line between being too tenacious, refusing to lose and being vulnerable to blowing up, and being too weak, taking losses too easily, and bleeding heavily from repeated paper cuts. Trying to find the right balance is not easy, and for those that can't really do it, its probably just better to systematize everything.
Not much action in the past few trading days, holding Nasdaq short and waiting. Probably won't get a big move lower until after the phase 4 coronavirus deal gets passed, which is likely early August. Everyone's bull case is still based on Fed and overflowing liquidity, but QE has been greatly reduced, still large, but definitely not an amount that guarantees higher stock prices.
Its been 4 months since the March bottom, usually a correction is imminent after such a long up trend. Market is ignoring the daily Covid case numbers but there is still that fear of a big jump in the fall as schools reopen. Also looming election where Trump likely to lose and possible Democratic sweep of Congress probably keeps investors from taking on more risk over the next few months. Just playing the odds, there is no certainty in this business.
so many up and down repeated.. So confused. Are you still getting short position at that point since last week? When do you normally make a decision to do short cover?? It seems like resilient battle between bear and bull...
Great blog. One other thing to add. Good trading is very, very boring. Most of the time is spent preparing for a trade. Entering a trade, and then deciding if it is going against you too much is actually a fairly short time. If the trade is going your way, the next part is to sit on your hands, and wait until your profit targets hit. Most traders get bored easily, open too early, get discouraged, and either close too early or add to a losing trade; then as soon as the trade is a little profitable they are out, because they are emotionally exhausted.
Hey bear dawgs. My new target on ndx is now 11500. The ath is now a foregone conclusion. It will happen. Then again once it hits the ath again you know its not just gonna stop there. Maybe you can short 11200 to 11250 because its hard to clock the top. But i bet we go to 11500 or close to it.
If you havent figured out by now rise in covid is bullish for nasdaq because its filled with stay at home stocks like fb aapl msft snap nvda fsly googl. When people are at home on their pc or cell phones making tiktok videos with their iphones then sharing it on ig or fb who do you think makes money? Aint hard to see dawgs.
Shorts will need to average up at the ath and lay and pray. Eventually they will be right. But trump may just force qe until october here.
The corona has a peak critical mass around 2 months. This has been the case in italy south korea china new york and now texas florida and california. Once the corona slows down by the middle of august the s&p stocks will go up based on cases going down and money flow out of nasdaq and stay at home into old economy stocks.
As per above, trading is an art. If stocks followed all logical thought, the stock market would be called chess. What you see as a foregone conclusion, is not foregone or conclusion for me. I think the nasdaq is way overbought, and a correction is imminent.
We has a 6 percent correction on nasdaq about 5 days ago lol.
Up up up. Getting long also an art. You need brass balls to hold stocks long at ath.
Very limited upside, its possible we get false breakout above 3250, maybe get to 3260-3270, and then trend lower into September down to 2800. False breakout in SPX would get NDX back towards 11000, making a double top.
It has been 4 months since March bottom. 4 months is a common length of an uptrend cycle. Saw it from November 2016 to March 2017, then correction phase over the next few weeks. Also in Dec. 24, 2018, bottom, and topped out n April 26, 2019, after a little over 4 months, the SPX dropped 7% over the following month.
Playing for further upside from here is betting on a parabolic blowoff top, which are uncommon.
IMO trading is all about probabilities and bankroll management. Brass balls have absolutely no value.
Uptrend cycle from oct 99 to may 2000. Almost 8 months. Lol. Nuff said. I mean if you wanna short here and have a 1 year plan thats fine. But then again if trump wins that plan also doesnt too great either.
Remember a lot of white people are fed up with the blm movement. A tall person doesnt need to get down on their knees so midgets can feel equal in height. Lot of white angst. Biden is going to pick rice harris or even bottoms as his running mate/successor when he has to go to the nursing home 2 years into his presidency as his plan. This will piss off the caucasians even more and they will pick maga kag. News media polling blue states and cities with lots of poc to get their fake news polling numbers. Why dont they poll leave it to beaver white amerikkka?
Lol 1/2 of black people have criminal record so they cant vote anyway. Forgot about that. Black vote not much more than the asian vote in terms of demographics and they all in blue states anyways. Trump correct in courting the white vote as long as the electoral college remains
I believe this a market blog, I come here to look at posts about the market. Social comments above are distracting
If you cant see that the election doesnt affect the market then you need to get fries and a milkshake with that double double
Actually, Nasdaq topped out in March 2000, not May 2000, so 5 months. And that's the biggest bubble in the history of the stock market so the most extreme case scenario.
Not shorting with a 1 year plan, its a longer term swing trade, looking for a move during the next 2 months. I do agree that we'll eventually go higher after the correction, but I'll have to see how things look in September and October.
Trump is doing poorly in the battleground states polls, which is where the elections are always decided. Polls can change a lot, and have about 3% margin for error, but with Biden having such a big lead, even if he slips a bit, he'd still be favored to win. Anything can happen, maybe Biden doesn't make it to November, and DNC picks Hilary for their candidate, but those are slim odds. If Biden makes it to November, I give him about 90% chance to win.
Ilya, you are right, getting in too early and having to sweat it out before the trade becomes profitable will make one have a tendency to close out the position early for a small profit just to get out of the emotional torture of a losing position, but that's usually the wrong thing to do. Am feeling some heat on the Nasdaq short, and probably won't average up so I can weather the storm. Looking for a move to 9000 for NDX by September.
Some extra pico de gallo and oaxacan queso with that carne asada burrito. Some extra kimchi with that bibimbap. Extra cilantro with that oxtail pho. Some extra curry with that tandoori chicken.
How are you shorting? If in futures, you took major heat today, as did I. However, I saw tremendous selling under the hood today.
Shorting futures, and yes, did take heat today, that's part of the game. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. As I stated last week, I wanted to get in, even if it felt a little early. Well, I was right about the early part. Nasdaq is trading with some extreme volatility, all the hot money is there. When this thing cracks, its going to go down much more than the SPX.
With the move today, I am expecting a top this week, and then its going to get nasty for the bulls afterwards. I will not cover for scraps. This short is for keeps, looking for a move to SPX 2800-2850 by September, which should equate to around NDX 9000-9200.
Wise bloodhound. You've got super sniffing powers. What you sniffing next? TSLA to 2000? AAPL 500?
Going to be a different market in August, bulls on borrowed time. Seeing more and more signs of a major top here. The good news out of the EU with their "great" deal, and I'm sure more good news after the "Make America Great Again" US phase 4 deal. And of course, news of coronavirus cures coming out every other day, Market is so bright, gotta wear shades! LOL.
This week should be the top. Good for 5 or 6% pullback. Shorting around here probably a good move. Good luck
Hats off to you both for your predictions this morning. I made 1% today but I would've tripled that if I expected the market dive like you guys.
You have to look at the big picture, betting on a rally from here to the election and school reopenings is assuming people don’t care about anything but the Fed. I disagree with that opinion.
I think we go higher. Spy and iwm has more to go than qqq but I think even ndx will hit my target of 11500.
Why do I say this? For example look at TSA checkpoint numbers. How is it that when daily tsa checkpoint numbers were 100 to 200K AAL went to 20? Now it's at 11 and change and the daily tsa number is over 600K.
There is a disconnect somewhere here. There is inefficiency. You can say that May was the inefficiency and right now the truth but I think we go somewhere in the middle.
The disconnect is that AAL is insolvent, and worthless, unless those TSA numbers are back at 2.5mm/day, and overseas quarantines/travel bans in countries with business travel routes are restored to previous levels. Years, if ever, not months.
Why waste your time trying to get long crappy airlines when there are so many other good stocks to trade, especially on the short side. And ABHK is right, the airlines are zeroes and worthless without constant government bailouts. Don't think Biden will be as friendly to airlines as Trump.
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