When you have such excessive speculation and froth that you saw in the past 3 weeks, payback is hell, especially when fundamentals are this weak.
The thing about the short side is that there are more up days than down days, so you are often fighting the grind higher. So to beat those odds on the short side, you absolutely have to ride it down for big gains on the downside, to make it a long term profitable strategy. Taking one or two days of gains and breathing a sigh of relief after being down is the easy thing to do. But with short selling, your wins need to be bigger than your losses, to make up for the times when you have to take small losses on grind higher moves. You have to take your pound of flesh, a big T-bone steak, when the bulls are vulnerable, like now, and not be satisfied with a quarter pounder with cheese.
The Fed will not come to the rescue at these levels. They are already using so much stimulus, if they start doing more here, they will have to do a monstrous amount when we go even lower. And I don't think even Powell is that much of a chicken little, although he is up there in the top 2 with Bernanke in the Chicken Hall of Fame.
Sometimes people forget why the VIX is so high and just pile into stocks like they are a one way bet. Investors' memories are short, and what happened in 2000-2002 and 2008-2009 are all but forgotten. Or even what happened in March. When investors start throwing caution to the wind during such fundamentally weak periods, they are setting themselves up for buying near tops of bear market rallies. What we just witnessed was a monster bear market rally which convinced a lot of investors that a new bull market had started. That's how the market tricks the majority into doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.
These are risky markets with lots of uncertainty over the next few months. Of course, coronavirus is the biggest uncertainty, but also the election in November and what policies Biden will enact when he gets into office. I know its presumptuous to say that Biden will win but barring some Biden health issue from now till November, a win is pretty much automatic. The polls show a giant lead for Biden nationwide, something Hilary never had, and in many of the battleground states, he has leads over Trump. Even in Republican strongholds like Texas and Georgia, he is nearly even with Trump in the polls.
It even seems like the Democrats will take the Senate, and hold the House, which would make passing tax and spend legislation that much easier. That is not a stock market positive.
If there is one consensus among Wall Street, it is that Trump is good for the stock market and Biden less good. I tend to agree, because Biden won't be pandering to stock investors and corporations by trying to do more tax cuts, which go straight to the bottom line for corporations and the wealthy. And Biden has already stated he plans on raising corporate tax rates to 28%, and closing tax loopholes, which would be an immediate 10% hit to post tax earnings for the SPX.
So there are lots of hurdles for bulls over the rest of the year. The last 3 days is just a preview of bigger things to come.
I have covered shorts into this big gap down, as the market has reached my short term SPX 2950 target. I plan on putting the shorts back on any bounce towards the 3040-3080 range. In the short term, the selling has gotten extreme and fear is back, but with Friday opex and VIX opex on Wednesday, I don't think the market makers will let the market go into free fall here. Could be wrong, but its rare to see big down moves during triple witching week. There are still a lot of puts outstanding and market makers probably want to pin the SPX between 3000-3050.
I expect any bounce to be short lived and after triple witching Friday, there should be another leg down, perhaps to the 2800-2840 level.
Good cover dawg
Agree that there are is a silent majority that are sick of the Black Lives Matters protests and looting, but part of that group is also sick of Trump and his bungling of the coronavirus situation turning the US into one of the worst countries in the world for Covid-19 cases.
And Biden isn't so liberal that he will push independents towards Trump.
The 2020 election will not be so much about Dems vs Republicans, it will be about anti-Trump vs Trump. And anti-Trump turnout will be huge, IMO.
Im sick of blm trying to societal pressurize everyone including companies schools and cops to take a knee and pretend black people are victims 100%.
Who white people really need to march for are the american indians whose land they stole raped pillaged diseased and ganked 100%. They might as well put mexicans in their too given that california arizona texas was all mexican property.
BLM is actually going to backfire against blacks. Trying to turn criminal thugs like George Floyd and others who got killed by cops into heroes and martyrs is just going to make black people look bad.
But you complain loud enough and often enough like black people do, eventually you get your way and special treatment, including a President, probably a vice president when Biden chooses in a couple of months, and various high cabinet positions in the past (Secretary of State, Attorney General, etc.).
This is some crazy moves dawg. Would you be surprised if we went right back to the highs of last Wednesday?
Yes, I would be surprised. I am looking to short again either Tuesday or Wednesday. This is the topping process, so take the chop and use it to enter shorts and exit when they get scared.
Re-entered shorts. Will hold till next week. Looking for a revisit to 2940.
Casual 200pts. In 30 hours. Nice trading.
Thanks. Crazy market, haven't seen volatility like this since 2008. Very emotional market.
not sure if this is a coincidence
dotcom crash
market bottoms march 2003, rallies till june 2003 , correction of about 10% then rally
financial crash 2008 market bottoms march 2009 , rallies till june 2009 , then does some correction till august and then rally continues
covid crash market bottoms march 2020 then rally till june 2020, correction start .
rally rest of the 2020 and beyond ???????????
I don’t see any similarities between 2003 and 2009 with this year’ s market. Other than the time of year, situations are quite different. 2003 was after a 2+ year bear market. 2009 after a 17 month bear market. Totally different investor psychology now compared to back then. People still rather optimistic on stocks and have only seen 1 month of downside. Lots more downside before you get a long term bottom IMO.
I was short IWM yesterday through puts towards the close but I covered this morning.
I"m pretty sure we are going higher. I can tell by looking at QQQ which again I can tell by looking at Aapl, FB, AMZN, MSFT.
This is nuts dawg. Im thinking the high last week is nothing but a left shoulder. That means double top at worst or at best new highs to make the head. Incoming
Qqq 250 to 255. Crazy
You seem bullish, why dont you go long? I am bearish and short. Pick a side man, you seem to like buying puts but say the market is going up. Have some conviction.
Conviction is for bagholders lol
You see those BLM stocks moving today? UONE, UONEK, CARV? These millenials are pushing the envelope of stupidity.
Conviction is a double edged sword, can keep you in good trades for a long time, or keep you in bad trades for a long time.
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