After that fiasco, you'd figure they would wise up for at least the next few years and at least try to stay away from bubbles. But now, they are embracing the stock market not by buying index funds and blue chip stocks, but by speculating in the junkiest beaten up stocks and more recently, insane pump and dumps with various themes, first it was Covid 19 (too many to name), then bankrupt stocks (HTZ, CHK), then assorted small cap trash ranging from kid's entertaintment companies (GNUS), to security and surveillance stocks (DGLY) after the Black Lives Matter riots and protests, and along that same theme, black-owned companies (UONE, CARV).
They are also buying speculative calls in droves, seeing the biggest call volume ever over the past few weeks.
And the dumbest thing about the millenials is that most of them are probably using the absolute worst broker to do their trades: Robinhood. Not only are their premarket trading hours too short, but their website and app routinely goes down during the busiest times in the market. And why are they so popular? Because of zero commissions, the main reason being is that Robinhood sells their order flow to the likes of Citadel and other HFT firms who gladly take the other side of the trade or just front run them.
And another thing about Robinhood investors: they don't realize how much short interest they could be credited with if they actually used a broker that rebated them for lending out their shares to other firms. And since they are often long the most desirable shorts on the Street, Robinhood is pocketing all the enormous short borrow fees they collect by lending out their clients' junk filled portfolio.
For example, one of the recent favorite longs on Robinhood is HTZ. To borrow HTZ short, you have to pay a short interest rate over 200% annualized. If the broker was fair, they would be giving back a big portion of that short interest back to the client, but Robinhood collects it all. There are many brokers that rebate the short interest from lending out shares in their portfolio, but Robinhood and some of the other popular no commission brokers do not.
Ironically, Robinhood does the exact opposite of what Robin Hood did. Robinhood is taking money from the poor and giving it to themselves, the rich.
In the last couple of days, we've got the bulls getting confident again, with Fed saying they will be buying individual corporate bonds, better than expected retail sales, and "good" news on coronavirus therapeutics. That managed to boost SPX 200 points from the Monday overnight lows to post retail sales euphoria highs. I reshorted and am back on the bear bus. Looking for a grind lower this week, and more panicky selling after triple witching Friday and on to next week.
One thing I've noticed among the spread bettor crowd on IG.com is that they were consistently short the equity indexes for the last couple of months, with anywhere between 60-70% short throughout that period. Now we are almost 50/50 long and short in the equity index positions among retail bettors.
This matches what I have been observing on financial social media, as investors seem more confident about stocks going higher with a belief that the Fed will lift all boats. The confidence in the Fed to raise stock prices is as high as I've ever seen it. And also getting reports here and there that hedge funds are getting more and more net long. Perfect storm is brewing for the August and September.
Or perfect storm brewing for late '99 style of market. I may just give up trying to short for a while. We should have been down already but we are just holding up. During 99 things didn't make sense. Even more so than now. Companies with no sales with multi billion valuations. But then things evened out with a real crash a few months into 2000. No reason not to believe we can't have the same thing happening here. Although I can't see NDX going from 10000 to 15000, I don't see why it can't go to 10700 or 11000.
Long TRIP 19.
sold qqq puts.
You have to be patient on the short side, topping is a process. Bottoms happen a lot faster but tops take time for greed to go overboard and then rug is pulled. Right now, too many greedy investors and traders think the Fed will save their stupid investments. Last week was just a warning shot. The selloffs will get more savage as we get closer to September.
Election and corona uncertainty will be HUGE.
I agree. Rug pull is going to be massive. But i think wall street knows retail/robin hood is heavily in the market now and lot of fomo retail as well on the sidelines I think wall street will use these people for the next pump. I dont know. I just smell a 10% move up in the coming months. I smell a heist coming in the form of a huge pump to new highs attracting inflow and squeezing shorts.
Yeah man, they taking this up. It starts now. I'm calling for 3350 on SPX.
If you really think its going to 3350, then you would be long, dawg. Looking for a post triple witching hangover next week, along with some pension fund selling. Also buyback blackout period coming soon.
Post triple witching usually bearish for stocks.
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