And you can bet they will load the boat with calls before they announce the trade deal. The White House has turned into a boiler room. Instead of pumping and dumping worthless penny stocks, they are pumping and dumping the US equity indices, with leverage.
Back to the market. That was a heck of a selloff, first gapping down and then running lower on doubts about a trade deal by March 1, and of course, the now routine last hour rally into the close. As I am writing, we are trading at the levels right after the Powell pop on the dovish Fed announcement last Wednesday. But bond yields are lower despite the SPX going nowhere since then.
Bonds have stubbornly been strong despite a near relentless rally over the last 6 weeks. And many traders are catching on, as I am seeing more fund managers and analysts calling for lower yields this year. I agree, but I don't expect yields to go lower in a straight line, unless you start seeing SPX go back to a downtrend. This is about the extent to which the risk parity trade can work, with both higher stock and bond prices. This is because higher SPX levels than what we saw this week will ease financial conditions and slowly pressure the Fed to back off their dovish talk and regain their optimism about 2nd half economic growth.
I do expect growth to slow more than most people expect, but this face ripper rally this year globally will probably delay the inevitable recession by a couple of months. The real economy doesn't matter anymore. The poor and middle class are constants, in a perpetual state of stagnation. Its the rich that are the variable here, because their fortunes are tied to the financial markets, and those things are bloated and vulnerable. When the rich feel the pain, the economy will suffer. The poor and middle class are pawns in the economic game and are easily sacrificed without any meaningful damage. More than ever, the rich are what matter in this finance-based economy.
No strong conviction on the next move, but I am leaning towards a rally next week as based on the data I am seeing, hedge funds are still very underinvested and will support the market on dips for at least a few weeks.
We only down 40-50 points. I would of thought they would want to take it lower to put on the scares a bit more.
It will take time to scare out the recent buyers. I expect April and May to be quite volatile, so this is just a resting period for the market to calm down and build energy for the next down leg.
Sold UNG calls at 1.15 from 1.43 avg. Long WTW Jul 30 calls at 4.68
Long AGN Mar 29 133 calls at 5.52
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