In general, it is better to focus on trading individual stocks in a bull market and trading the indices/futures in a bear market. Some may disagree, but it is a good habit to look for new markets to trade, to find pricing inefficiencies and patterns in places that are less familiar. That way, if you can find edges in more markets, it gives you more opportunities, which is helpful in slow markets like this.
This reminds me of a past post, where slow times reinforce the need to make as much as possible during active times: Feast or Famine
It in times like these where I am reminded of the importance of making hay when the sun shines. You absolutely have to kill it and be greedy when the opportunities are there because once they are gone, it will be hard to make anything when markets turn bad/dull/unpredictable. A good post on Elite Trader made in August 2007 (a GREAT trading market) that still sticks in my memory:
jdeeZERO05: can't ask for more volatility than this. I crushed my profit target already, i'm going to the bar. this fucking rules.
RM: Quitting early after a big gain is the second worst trait a trader can have. No offense, but you'll never be rich.
jdeezero05: have fun giving back your profits, not my game.
to me it makes sense to learn to crawl before you even attempt to fly. 20 YM points a day is my goal. When I've hit that I'm done. If i got a hundred on the week I've been done. 15 point stop, if I get down 40 points on the day i'm done. 120 points down for the week, i'm done for the week. Haven't had that happen yet with this style management yet though. 5k account, 1 car. This morning though, I rode the trend, tried to jog for the first time. Could be done for the week if I want. The remainder of this week has no emotion at all. Market is going to have to entice me with the highest probability setups I can get to risk what I made today, all the pressure is off now on the week.
To me this is exactly why most traders fail. Good look getting "to the moon" when you can't even crawl without falling on your face. Not saying thats your situation, but giving me that advice is just shit advice, no disrespect.
RM: A surefire recipe for permanent piker status if I ever saw one.
For some reason I'm in the mood to do you a favor and take the time to explain what you're doing here:
My job is to collect strands of beads off the streets of New Orleans. I need to collect 500 strands every year to make a living, so I figure I just need to collect 10 strands every week.
The past few months have been tough- I've had to work pretty hard to collect my 10 strands/week. However, this week is Mardi Gras, so there are currently beads all over the place for the taking. The streets are flowing with a massive bounty- beads are literally everywhere! I've already managed to collect my 10 strands within the first five minutes of Mardi Gras week. This is great! I've already made my weekly quota, so naturally I'll now be taking off the rest of the week. Beads crunch under my shoes during my walk home, but I don't bother to pick them up. Why should I bother? After all, I already have my weekly quota in hand, so the pressure is off. Time to hit the bar!