Things changed dramatically in July. While you hear a lot of talk of a soft landing and limited economic weakness, the price action in the stock market tells otherwise. Maybe there is something to this economic slowdown that is being underestimated by investors, as they remain heavily invested in stocks.
The SPX is back to mid July levels above 5600, but underneath the surface, investors have been moving from offensive sectors to defensive sectors. This can be measured by the performance of low beta, defensive sectors such as consumer staples (XLP) and health care (XLV) vs. the Nasdaq 100, filled with high beta tech stocks. During the past 3 months, the QQQ is flat but the XLP is up over 10% and XLV is up over 7%.
This coincides with the AI peak that we saw in late June/early July, when NVDA went over $140. Looking back, it is becoming more and more clear that the AI hype reached its peak this summer, and will unlikely reach that same level of mania even if the SPX goes to new all time highs later this year.
This sector rotation, with many defensive stocks reaching 52 week highs, and many economically sensitive stocks reaching 52 week lows, as the SPX trades above the 50 day moving average, has fired off a few Hindenburg Omen signals last week. A cluster of signals gives a strong warning of a looming correction. A lot of people ridicule this indicator, but it has a much better than random track record of identifying short term market tops. The last signal was in mid July, correctly warning of an impending selloff.
Getting more and more 2000 vibes as this year plays out. In early 2000, semiconductors were the hottest sector, even hotter than internet stocks. We reached a similar level of semiconductor/AI mania this past summer. Here is a chart of the SPX and Nasdaq Composite in 2000. While the Nasdaq topped out in March 2000, the SPX lingered close to the highs for a few months until September 2000, before both indices went down in a vicious bear market in the final quarter of the year.
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Year 2000 SPX vs Nasdaq |
Similar to 2000, you have very high allocations to equities as a percentage of total assets. We are at late 2021 levels of equity allocations as of the end of June. Even at the peak in 2000, you never got to these nosebleed equity allocations, and that's when everyone was talking about stocks. Stocks are almost viewed as a no-brainer investment over bonds over the long run. Of course, that's with average valuations, not coming from a point when stock valuations are around the highest in its history.
Let's not forget about aging demographics in the developed world. The baby boomers hold a huge chunk of the equities owned by households, and their current age range (born 1946 to 1964) is from 60 to 78. The developed world was much younger in 2000. Now you will have baby boomers disposing of equities due to either death (inheritance taxes/spending inheritance will lead to stock sales), elder care/nursing homes (selling stocks for cash), allocation shifts from stocks to bonds to reduce risk, etc.
On the economy, this is just my 15 minute macro take, so not to be taken too seriously. But could it be that the lack of money supply growth since 2022 is finally having an effect on the economy? No one talks about the money supply anymore, but it hasn't grown at a rate that's consistent with a strong economy. Of course, a lot of that is payback from the crazy jump higher in 2022 in 2020 and 2021, but inflation already reflects that jump higher in M2. So low money supply growth in a slowing economy with less fiscal impulse should result in a weaker economy. M2 money supply grew 5-6% from 2010 to 2019, and growth was slow during that time period.
And the distribution of the money is different now than it was before 2020. Sure the pie is bigger with all the money printed, but the percentage distribution is even more skewed towards the wealthy, who have more money than they know what to do with. The wealth inequality continues to expand. Corporations and the wealthy have so much political power with all the money they spend on lobbying and donations, they shape regulations and tax rules that favor further wealth accumulation. In the end, unbridled crony capitalism ends up with something that you see in a place like Russia, where a small group of government officials and oligarchs hold all the country's wealth, and the rest of the population are basically wage slaves.
The Commitments of Traders data for SPX futures continues to show asset managers remain near all time highs in net long positioning, as they hardly budged during the selloff in the first week of September. As a percentage of open interest, in the third quarter of 2024, asset managers have never had greater net long positioning in its history. Mainly due to a reduction of short positions. Fund managers are extremely lightly hedged. Along with the SPY and QQQ short interest data that I wrote about in July, you have all the ingredients for the start of a long bear market.
On Friday, you finally saw call buying come back, with the total put/call ratio falling to 0.68. Also seeing signs of Twitter traders re-embrace the bull side, and wanting to be positioned bullishly ahead of the Fed's first rate cut of this cycle on Wednesday. Given that quarterly opex is this Friday, and with election uncertainty about to come on stage, I expect a bearish post opex week. The Street will want to re-add put hedges that come off on the Friday expiration, and/or sell stocks to get back to lower net long positioning. Investors will not have much tolerance for market weakness due to how lightly hedged they are. You got a preview of that in the first week of September, when the SPX fell 240 points over 4 trading days.
In the bond market, you continue to see strength, and the bullishness is palpable. Its almost taken as fact that bonds will rally when the Fed cuts rates. That may be true for short term T-notes, but definitely not true for long bonds. The monster budget deficit will need to be funded with lots of bond issuance. The 1982 to 2020 bond bull market was fueled by labor arbitrage to China, reducing manufacturing costs, faster CPUs leading to rapid productivity growth, growing globalization increasing free trade, and gradually decreasing budget deficits as a percentage of GDP for much of that time period. You have the opposite now, with budget deficits exploding higher, as well as an aging demographic, reducing the working age population / total population ratio, which contributes to higher services inflation.
In the short term, bonds will face headwinds due to election uncertainty and the potential for more tax cuts and/or fiscal stimulus. Both candidates are free spenders and could care less about controlling fiscal deficits. Populism is inflationary, and politics worldwide (except China) has never been more populist than now.
Did not expect that the market would give me another chance to short around the August highs but here we are. Admittedly, I was a bit too eager to start shorting, jumping the gun by shorting last Thursday, before the SPX squeezed higher later in the day and on Friday. One could argue that weak markets don't give you a lot of time to short the highs. That is usually true, but markets that are transitioning from a bull market to a bear market exhibit some bull market tendencies while the market tops out. It appears that we are in that transition phase as the stock market goes from bull market to bear market. This is based on investor positioning data, equity valuations, and price action.
Could the market get even bubblier and make a blowoff top (SPX 6000+) into year end? Its possible, but I would give it less than 25% odds. And even if it were to do so, I would expect most of that blowoff move to happen in November, when I would loathe being short. In fact, I would actually welcome a blowoff top, even though its unlikely to happen.
I see too many viewing the Fed as a backstop to support this weakening economy despite monetary policy losing a lot of its potency. When you take away the refinancing option for the vast majority of home owners who are on very low fixed rates, that reduces a lot of the monetary stimulus provided by lower rates. Same goes for corporations, many who are locked in at lower rates, and will be re-issuing at higher rates even with Fed rate cuts, since bond yields now are much higher than 5 and 10 years ago.
Fed rate cuts reduce interest income, a big source of cash going straight from the Treasury to households. When you have such a huge US national debt, oddly enough, interest rate cuts can actually reduce income for a substantial portion of the population, as well as for banks. Remember, the US Treasury funds interest payouts not by reducing spending, or increasing taxes, but by issuing more Treasuries. So reducing interest payments with a lower Fed funds rate is actually a fiscal contraction, not an expansion for the government.
Will the Fed go 25 bps or 50 bps at the upcoming meeting? Based on the leak from Nick of WSJ on Thursday, Powell is itching to cut 50 bps to pump up the stock market, to increase the chances of Trump losing. He can force his way to cut 50 bps with dissents and that will reduce the power of his pump attempt, and look bad, but he also doesn't seem to have full support for 50 bps among the committee because it looks so blatantly political. Powell wants to get 50 bps with no dissents, having his cake and eating it too, but not so sure the rest of the committee will agree to let him have his way with inflation not slowing down fast enough and with economic data that doesn't warrant a 50 bps cut at this point.
Either way, 25 bps or 50 bps, it will be forgotten by Friday, and it will be on to more pressing issues, such as the upcoming election as well as the newly feared data release of the month, nonfarm payrolls.
Looking to add to shorts today or tomorrow, to play for a correction over the next few weeks. Seasonal weakness coincides with corporate buyback blackout period starting this week, and the big triple witching options expiration this Friday. Add the November election to the mix. Its looking like a coin toss according to election betting markets and the uncertainty will likely lead to some volatility soon.
I am slowly adding to shorts. not sure how to time adding more today or tomorrow. My only concern is a gut reaction from retail to buy crazy on the rate cut but also hoping institutions will sell into that frenzy if it happens. adding jan expiry but will move closer on further rallies may be all the way to october. If we get a crazy up move on fed cut, might even take a punt on sep 30 or sep 20 contracts for max leverage in small size
Would love to keep getting regular updates from you @marketowl - I really appreciate them and it helps to share ideas esp when shorting. I do believe that things are so overvalued something will break. I played this well in 2007-2008, not as well in 2021 when I was early and despite getting eventual directions right (and soem moved very big), ended up on the losing side due tot vol and timing which was frustrating. I am determined to be patient this time and play it well
I was waiting to short near the Friday highs but it didn't quite get there so I'm still waiting to add more short. It looks like I will be adding more tomorrow or Wednesday. Anything can happen on Fed day, but it seems many are positioned for a post Fed rate cut rally, which I think is unlikely due to how close triple witching opex. Also today's price action with Nasdaq lagging again is an ominous sign, similar to the one that you got in early to mid July before the plunge lower.
Understood. Why do u want yo wait till wed? I feel we may get a move lower today or tomorrow as well
I don't think we'll get much of a move lower before the FOMC meeting, but we could squeeze a little higher so its likely better odds to just wait to short until it gets to higher levels or closer to the meeting than short today. Also, VIX is a bit too high considering the price action, so if VIX goes lower, that will help the market go higher.
Mr. Market told me today, "we going up dawg".
I said, "my nigga".
Thx @marketowl. I gradually added more today and will do so tomorrow
Fed funds futures pricing in 67% chance of 50 bps cut. Its looking more obvious that Powell told Nicky Leaks of WSJ that he wants to do 50 bps. Still waiting to add to shorts, I don't expect much downside going into the meeting, so probably will wait till near the close to add short today. VIX is quite sticky around 17 despite the rally, which is another longer term bearish sign.
Not there yet but pretty close. Should be one more good pop after announcement tmrw
Sold 1/2 MLCO 10/18 5 calls at .82 from around .50
Long DIA 415 11/15 puts at 7.35 half position
Out of all MLCO .75
Added more oct 420 dia puts and iwm 220. Possibly we go up again tomorrow and even thursday but cant take a chance. This is looking juicy enough to me now
Long IWM 220 11/15 puts 7.75. All in on the dark side now
Long 2 contracts 9/20 115 aapl puts 1.95
Didn't pull the trigger to add more. Will wait till tomorrow and look to short after FOMC if we get a pop on the news.
What if there is no pop? U are able to be patient and stay away which is a virtue in trading
25bp there wont be a pop. 50 may be but not a big one
Already have a short position so not staying away. Once I get a position on, don't like to add unless there is an optimal spot to add. A strong close today would have been an optimal spot to add. We got a weak close, so holding off on adding. For tomorrow, a pop on 50 bps cut would be an optimal spot to add. Anything else would be suboptimal (including a pop on 25 bps cut).
So if it pops on a 25 basis point cut, you would not add to the shorts. But you would on a pop after 50 basis point cut. I don’t really understand this. Are you saying that if it pops despite 25 basis points only, it is an ominous sign for shorts?
I doubt it pops on a 25 bp cut, but if it does, it would be a strong signal that there is a very motivated buyer post FOMC decision, and it would be better to short at the end of the day, instead of right after it pops.
So either ways, u add if it goes up. Just the timing changes. Thx. I have been adding gradually and plan to add some more today and tomorrow if no dip
Yes, I will definitely add if there is a rally after the FOMC announcement. If its 50 bps, I will short sooner than if it rallies after 25 bps. Either way if we go up today, I want to be fully short by Thursday's open.
Sold AAPL calls @ .84 2 contracts
Thanks. would you short something like cvna? been looking at puts forever but tough to play that trade. there will be a vicious pullback at some point
Little hand says it's time to rock and roll.
There's your chance to short more
50bp it is. interesting to see the price action and the conference. still waiting for conference or end of day to add?
Didn't make sense that they cut by 50 bps. The economic data seemed good. Either Jeremy wants Kamala to win or he thinks the economy is worse that it is.
Shooting star formation in all the charts now.
what does shooting start formation mean?
Long ass skinny stick with the body at the bottom.
What a weasel. Trump will fire his azz if he gets in again
I'm shorting more here, will add more if it goes higher into the close
CVNA, I've looked at the chart, it doesn't look like a stock I want to short. I know the fundamentals are bad, and there is a lot of insider selling, but its been a lot stronger than I expected, so I would hold off on shorting it.
CVNA is not a good stock to short especially this one because I think they are highly indebted. A 50 bp cut helps their monthly payment go down and cf increase. + for the stock
Thank you both. I added some june 2025 in the money puts on cvna. Not sure when it falls but when it does, it will tank. Fundamentals are terrible wven with 500bp rate cuts
Agree that CVNA eventually tanks, just don't like the price action now. If you have enough time, those puts should payoff.
I think most would have expected a strong rally in SPX with this 50 bps cut and dovish Powell but instead we got a sell the news reaction. Going into triple witching opex. VIX sticky above 18 even after the event. Looks bearish.
Futures up a fair bit. I want to pay close attention to the tape next couple days before deciding when to exit. Do you have a level/time in mind? Does seem we rally in first half f tomorrow and not sure if i should sit tight or add?
I am looking to add tomorrow after the open. Not sure about levels yet, but looking for the down move to start around opex, which would be Friday. If we are to get a big down move, I think a big portion of the move will have to happen next week. If we don't get a big down move next week, then will have to readjust the price target to something higher. In either case, will look to hold shorts into the end of next week.
Another 100 point surge coming.
That's a face ripper. Holding off on adding shorts. Will wait till Friday opex. Still expecting a 3-5 day pullback starting from tomorrow, but it could squeeze even higher into the Friday open.
looks very strong but all pre market so would not put too much weight. i will be nimble during the day and may add if it goes 100-125 pts higher
added cvna short term puts sep 27. some qqq 485 october and will add more. still have dry powder to keep adding for another couple days of rallies
If we pullback and we should, it's time to go long till the end of the year. But only after a pullback. They are going to take this fucker to 6000.
I expect a pullback next week, but after that, not much conviction. We could chop around between 5600 to 5750 for a couple of weeks. Or we could just make a top today or tomorrow and keep going lower down towards 5400 by early/mid October.
I agree with Ol Dawg, we probably going up even more after the election. 5900-6000 is possible by Dec.
I add Short on spx at 5700. Let's see the result of Japanese interest rate
What type of a pullback is you base expectation next week? Down to yesterday’s 5600 ish level or 5500/lower?
5400 or less for me but not less than 5200. So between 5200 and 5400,
Shiet even 5500 would be nice right about now
Too much fomo and I am always early getting into the trade. Makes it harder.
I think 5600 would be the my base case for a pullback for next week.
hmm so basically to yesterday's level and more like a graceful exit from when most of us initiated the shorts
From GS - In the context of expiry tomorrow, the pop higher today was more technical/temporary in nature given SPX dealer gamma positioning is negative which exacerbates price action – something we haven’t witnessed with stocks at the highs (has typically been the case at local lows YTD). This dynamic + significant ETF rebalancing that created billions of 1 day type of demand buoyed the tape.
Also limited call buying despite the “break out” no chase - we go down post opex seem v high probability
Good info. Post Sept opex is the most bearish week of the year historically.
Lets hope we get a big move today. The window for the down move is always short
Market do need a breather before the next run , could it be sideways action rather than a correction , fed aggressive cut plus ai decade see like 90 ies
Agreed, the window for the down move could be a short as just next week. Once you get past the post opex week, investors are much better hedged so they will be less urgent to sell stocks.
So far just sitting tight today. Do you see any reason to reduce risk today by reducing shorts? I am planning to hold into later part of next week but my conviction is not high
I added some just now. I am looking to hold shorts into the middle of next week. Will likely cover if we get to 5625. Don’t expect big downside just yet.
what if we dont get there? do u still get out at a loss or hold for longer?
I will probably cover half next week, even if we don't get to 5625. Probably hold half beyond next week, even if we get to 5625. Think we eventually get a pullback down to 5400-5450 in October, but we could chop around between 5600-5750 before it goes down there. Need to see price action and data. Initial data from COT as of 09/17 is kind of bearish. Asset managers loaded up long even more SPX futures. Now most net long SPX futures since Feb 2020.
Thx the market has been surprisingly hard to figure. Hopefully we get a much bugger than expected drop unexpectedly in the next day or two
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