Although I am not responsible for your trades nor do I tell people what to buy or sell, I do feel a sense of responsibility for what I write. I will admit that I have been early in shorting the rally since the March bottom, with early shorts in May. I did take a lot of heat on those shorts and looking back, my calls were completely wrong. I was way too early, but I mitigated the damage by bailing out on the dips in mid June and late June, which saved my bacon. I even managed a small profit after the dust settled. Same goes for the NDX short in mid July where I also took some heat but which turned into my favor and I was able to cover some for a decent profit. But this time I have a different view and more conviction.
On a scale of 1 to 10, my conviction shorting SPX in May and NDX in July was about a 7, so there were small doubts in the back of my mind mainly due to the proximity to the March bottom and the remaining fear that was lingering among investors. I probably should have taken a smaller position back then, especially in May, but sometimes I just get a bit too aggressive even without the highest of convictions.
Shorting now is very different. First of all, over 2 months has elapsed since my short campaign which started in May. This time, instead of shorting SPX, I am shorting the NDX. The reason for shorting Nasdaq instead of S&P is simple. All the speculation is occurring in the Nasdaq and it is also the most overbought and most loved.
My conviction on my Nasdaq short is about a 9 now. I have gone over most of the reasons in previous posts, but its a function of time since the last big correction (March) and price, i.e. the extent of the rally (huge) since with just very short term dips along the way. I have built up my short position since Monday and am almost at a full position now.
With time elapsing, now over 4 months since the March bottom, more and more complacency builds up, providing the potential energy for a waterfall decline. Like a coiled spring getting pushed tighter and tighter until the slightest movement sets off a huge move. I've shown previous examples in last month's blog post.
Markets have evolved over the past 20 years. After 2008, for the first few years, market tops were formed when the indices chopped back and forth for a couple of weeks after a long rally, and then made a sharp decline. Examples include April 2010 top, May 2011 top, April 2012 top, and September 2014. But since 2018, the tops have come suddenly, with very little volatility or choppy back and forth daily price action to signal an imminent change of trend. January 2018 and February 2020 tops are the best examples of this. The market was still trending up before the bottom fell out. The September 2018 top was also very quiet, with very little choppy price action before the big drop. Same goes for April 2019 and July 2019.
So what used to be signals that the market was about to change trend and a big correction was coming doesn't happen anymore. The algos and nature of the market is to push as high as possible until there is total buyer saturation, and then on the other side of the mountain, there are no eager buyers left, and hard to put on a short position unless one is comfortable shorting in the hole and expecting a bigger hole.
It is ironic that positive stimulus deal news was more happily received by gold and silver than by the SPX. Its gotten to the point where the market now mainly views the stimulus as a dollar debasement exercise, and secondarily as an economic bailout.
I don't have a strong view on gold and silver, I do believe the dollar is in the middle of a long term downtrend, and strong FX trends tend to ignore overbullish sentiment and just keep trudging along. And this dollar weakness trend looks quite strong to these eyes. Its a long time coming, and with the way that the US government and the Fed have reacted to the pandemic, it shows you how they will operate going forward. Printing and spending money zealously like no other country this side of Zimbabwe. In comparison, Europe and Asia are taking much more modest measures and doing a much better job of focusing on the pandemic more as a healthcare crisis rather than an economic crisis. It is all about supply and demand, and even if demand for dollars stay the same, the supply is growing at such a rapid pace compared to other currencies that the forces pushing down on the USD are immense.
I cannot short outright and looking to buy puts on NDX. would you do at money aug/sep expiry or 5/10% out of money nov-Jan - just looking for your thoughts here
At the money Aug/Sep expiry.
Dawg, all your writing is good and I'm sure the readership appreciates your well thought out posts. But let's keep things simple. The NDX just broke a triple top. Why keep short at max position and get juiced for a few hundred points or more rather than wait to short higher or even after the market takes a dip. Afterall, even I agree the markets are overbought. But everything I see so far since the pandemic indicates that market just seems to play out the pandemic counting on it that it will subside and just keep going higher until the economy actually recovers. We broke a triple top. The first part of what I thought would happen already happened and now we're less than 200 points away from the other 50%.
Blogger OL DAWG said...
50% chance of going to 11000 and 50% chance of going to 11300.
Just my humble opinion
7/27/2020 10:28:00 PM Delete
Well I have to say only 80 more spx points till the all time high. Should at least stall there and decide if it wants to try and bust through that as well or take a breather, dip and try again. Who knows maybe we start going south right now. What is AAPL trying to do here. What are they splitting it 4 for 1. I'll LMFAO if AAPL after going to 109 post split, seems cheap to robinhooders and the rest of the 401K crowd and it goes to 200. I remember back in 2013, when aapl seemed way more dominant than now the market was debating whether it should deserve a 13x forward multiple. Stocks are nothing but a popular opinion voting mechanism. And with the times, the opinions change and so does the overall outrageousness. We are living in a world today where you don't need to go to a good school to make a million posting videos of french bulldogs on youtube or shaking your booty on tik tok or instagram and posing with endorsed products.
Went to the Ralph's yesterday to buy some sundries. Total came to 11.34 and I give her a 20 and the cashier proceeds told me there is a coin shortage and so the market no longer gives out change, but that they can give me back bills and give me fractions of dollars back into my club card. So I ask her then so I will be getting back $8 in bills. She goes no you don't understand we don't give back change because there is a coin shortage and so do I want my change back into my club card or some other reward card thingy. Must have been a breakdown in communication.
Anyways, I thought for a second this must be some kind of thing where the government wants to digitalize money going forward and the crypto/digital currency revolution is here. Then thought about all the handouts we are getting from stimulus, unemployment, universal basic income, then wondered when do we start implanting chips in our hands. Anyways, how can there be a fucking coin shortage. They are claiming it's to prevent touching and spreading the corona but what about paper currency? Something is funky in Kyoto.
I put in the nasdaq short. might be early but been there done that in 2005-2006 as well when I lost money but recovered all and more when the trade materialized. Thx marketowl - been reading you for years
Yeah this market looks strong. Be happy with a pullback to even just 3300 so I can get out of my shorts :(
Coin shortage is BS. The government is totally incompetent, all they know how to do is to splash money at everything and hope something good comes out of it.
Cash is the last bastion of transactional privacy and once the governments/corporations take that away, they got you. Forcing people to wear masks is nothing compared to forcing you to use a credit card/debit card/app to buy everything. Then they have all your records to peruse and see what and when you are buying everything.
SB: I am an earlier short than you so you are in ok shape in comparison. It always looks the worst for the shorts near the tops. Nasdaq is underperforming the broader market so that is a small positive for today.
MM111: I think its too late to get out, you either hang on for the big move lower or you are giving up big edges on the short side. IMHO.
A lot of the strength today is based on stimulus deal optimism which is 1. making shorts nervous that there will be more rallying on the news of the deal. 2. longs who don't want to sell yet because they are expecting it to go higher when the deal gets finalized.
They didn't decide though whether to grant extended benefits of $600 on top of normal unemployment. Last I heard the dems refused to accept the $200 the gop was offering. It could still be $600 or close to it which is just back to the old times again. Then add in the $1200 one time payment and we got people ordering tons of grubhub and uber eats all over again. Buying iphones, cars,etc
Looks like Dems and White House want $600, McConnell is powerless now, Trump determines what the Republicans negotiate for and Trump is closer to Democrats in wanting as much stimulus and spending ahead of the election as possible, in order to increase his chances of winning. Pelosi seems like she could care less if Trump or Biden wins, as long as House remains in Dem control, and she is doing Trump's bidding for him.
It will be back to old times, its an MMT world, we're just peons living in it.
Who down with MMT? You down with MMT? Every last homie. LOL
Should of got out at 3308. Same every day. Pre-market high then intraday high and then take-off.
Momentum is incredible, but I still like the short side here, but will probably have to wait till late August or early September before we get a sharp decline.
just when you think it cannot happen, it may happen!!!
I thought seeing that a lot was red at the open, maybe today would be the day when the market sells the news. But nope. And it's getting clearer and clearer that the other 50% of my prediction we would see ndx 11300 is being truer and truer. Only 70 pts away. I think now we can get close to 11500.
Gold and silver going parabolic is another piece of the out of control speculation puzzle going on in the markets. The gamblers are feeling it, they are trying to bankrupt the casino! Doubling down, tripling down.
The knuckleheads in Washington DC are loving it, acting like they are all important and trying to pander to the public while doing nothing but finding more places to spend and spend. One way or another, there will be massive government spending after the dust settles.
Once the deal is done, its back to reality. The backstop is gone.
I just see it as with 3 months to go before the election, no way trump is going to let the mkt tank especially with him behind in the polls especially in key red states. He's going to pump the mkt and say if biden wins, forget about the stock mkt. That's all he has going for him now.
You think Trump can control the stock market? Is Trump God to you? And the guy pumps the stock market often, and it doesn't make a difference.
Nasdaq quietly underperforming SPX today and on the week, even as the Hoodies have loaded up on MSFT, AAPL, and FB calls.
Trump has been pumping the market since 2017. QQQ was 125 when he was inaugurated. In the last 4 years earnings have not gone up 115% I don't think but the NDX has. He cut taxes and expanded p/e multiples. I think QQQ will go down 5 points at a time on any correction but I think the path to 285 (by September) has been laid out. I think today was a correction for what it's worth.
Dude, did you blow up? Haven't heard you talk about any positions lately. Stay away from options, they are deadly.
WTF was that all about.
I just said I was long NKLA a few posts ago. Obviously I wouldn't be saying the QQQ would be going up if I'm not long a bunch of calls no? I'm just trying to do you a favor. Anyways, I guess it's no good trying to explain. I am done here.
You long NKLA calls? Risky business. Let me do you a favor. Short any Nasdaq names for the next 2 months starting next week.
Anyway, Rooting for you on NKLA. Hope NKLA goes up and Nasdaq goes down. Not likely combination however.
So the bill did not get passed. Down 10 s&p 500 points on Monday and then they will juice it up by another 50 points when they realise 'things are not as bad as they seem'.
The most bullish thing is for the bill to not pass and to kick the can with executive prders. That way, bulls will always have that “big deal” catalyst to look forward to and markets can’t go down much. Remember, buy the rumor, sell the fact! They are delaying the fact, thus delaying the selling!
Well lets hope we at least get a small pullback before we hit 4000 :(
OL DAWG, I hope you don't stop chiming in. Your comments are the best to read and they keep things fun in here. I was also wondering what you had been up to lately. I always look forward to hearing what you have to say.
Since NKLA was brought up...
Howard Axelroark @axelroark earlier today:
"Sold my $NKLA for profit because I was afraid it was a pump & dump."
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