You had a classic panic bottom in oil, as the biggest oil ETF, USO, panic dumped a huge chunk of open interest in the NYMEX June Crude Oil futures and rolled it into July and August, effectively selling at the bottom and buying back less (July and August futures are more expensive, so they had to buy less when they rolled over the contracts).
What happened on Monday was panicked speculators in the May futures who didn't have enough liquidity to sell their holdings as there weren't enough end users who were willing to buy from them, so it was a game of hot potato until prices got so negative that producers who actually were short finally decided to close out their positions. May futures actually ended up settling at 10.01 when it expired on Tuesday, so that is the price that producers were willing to pay to take delivery, a better indication of WTI oil prices than the negative numbers on Monday. But the financial media loves to sensationalize everything, so they ran with the negative oil prices story, and figured that since there is very little available storage in Cushing, the same thing would happen in the June contract.
But there are still several weeks till June, and producers are not going to keep pumping oil and sending it to Cushing when they have to pay to do it. Its just more cost effective to just shut in the wells. And that's what is going on right now. And with the negative price fiasco on Monday, the producers will be even more urgent about cutting production to avoid losses.
The price action from Tuesday to now, with June CL futures going from $6 to $16 is telling the truth, while the oil "experts" talk about negative prices and tank tops like it's the latest hot fashion.
I am no oil bull, I'm long term bearish on oil, but in the short term, prices went down not because of fundamentals, but because of irrational fear of negative prices. The fear of future negative prices makes it much less likely to happen, as now the producers will be cutting more production than they otherwise would have. This week went a long way towards speeding up the equilibrium between supply and post coronavirus demand.
But unlike some of the irrational USO buyers on Robinhood or newbies who think that oil is now the bargain of the century, what will likely happen is that WTI oil will have to stay under $20 to keep producers from pumping out too much, and its very unlikely to see negative prices as oil in Cushing will just be diverted to other storage facilities, or on tankers, if the price gets too low. So that will probably keep WTI oil between $10 and $20 for the next few months.
However, if after the lockdown is lifted and coronavirus cases start going up again, then all bets are off, not only for oil prices, but for the SPX and global equity markets. The threat of a second lockdown will induce serious panic among not only oil traders but equity traders, and that could actually push WTI oil to near zero and SPX to retest the lows in March at 2174.
But that's looking a bit too far out, in the near term, the anticipation of lockdowns being removed and people going back to work will keep a bid under both oil and stocks. Also, OPEC+ plans on having another meeting on May 10 to talk about further production cuts so that's also another positive catalyst for oil. Definitely not recommending going long oil, but don't recommend a short here either. Same goes for the SPX, wait for the right levels, we are in the middle of the new range (2730-2870), so not a good risk/reward for either side short term. Neutral here.
The problem is that CME did not act to protect 0. Now anyone who trades on the long site has to actually decide how to manage risk below 0
Not crying a river for longs. Shorts have had to deal with infinite risk for ages and I see no complaints from them. Longs can deal with the occasional black swan that takes prices negative.
Short zm 162.5
Feel like there is an underlying bid in this market keeping it up
Very resilient market with no good news. I guess this market wants to squeeze out all the shorts before going back down.
I see a theme in the market that contradicts what you would normally think would happen with 10% unemployment. Retailers like best buy and carmax and wayfair are strong. How could that be? Well if you're getting paid more in unemployment than your regular job plus a stimulus payment. Fed pumped the system with demand and market sniffs this effect. Only anti-social distancing industries like airlines where there is no space between passengers are getting the cold shoulder. The extra 600 per week in unemployment benefits don't end till the end of July. People are literally making more money unemployed than employed. Something to consider. Real economic pain for the everyday man won't occur till the fall. 97 degrees today and cases were over a 1000 in LA county. Forget what they say about heat and UV rays killing the corona. I smell a true doomsday scenario literally for the market and the world by the end of this year.
Of course heat and sunlight don't kill coronavirus. If someone with corona is breathing next to you and he sprays tiny droplets at your face, it could be 110 degrees and sunny and you're going to get the coronavirus.
US doesn't have a tight lockdown, too many people are still working at "essential" industries and they are keeping the coronoavirus alive, also I bet a lot of people are still meeting friends at apartments/houses and having mini parties. That's also happening in Europe,that's why you still have thousands of cases per day even after several weeks of lockdown. It ain't going away. Trump will reopen the economy and it will just bring the second wave sooner. Its coming, but people won't realize it until its too late to stop.
Right on about the stimulus and unemployment benefits, people are not running out of cash, they are just running out of places to spend it at. Amazon, Walmart, etc. are getting a lot of that stimulus money flowing to them, and the restaurants/bars/clubs/sports teams are not.
I think we are going past 2900 on this move right here into thursday maybe friday. I predict 2950 to 2980. Then down to 2700 as start May. Long the airlines. Fucked up and tried to short stocks up 9 percent this morning going against the tide. Very hated very deceptive rally. Which is why we go higher for the time being. Market actually felt weak this morning. But the PPT is calling all the shots here and they have a trillion dollar plus bid pushing this higher
Agree on US reopening no matter what in the middle of May. But I dont expect too many people rushing to go to restaurants or to any concerts/games. Its going to keep the pandemic going however, and that will be bearish later this year.
did you get short the /ES yet, Owl, or are you waiting for higher prices?
Waiting to get short, probably will look to get short Wednesday ahead of FOMC meeting
Today may be the day to grab your shawty. Short BBY. See what happens
Getting more and more bearish these days. The reopening of the economy will be the sell the news event, I can only see disappointment when economy still sucks and life is not back to normal.
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