There are two main types of traders: trend followers and countertrend traders. If you try to be both, you usually end up getting the worst aspects of each. I've been a countertrend trader since I started. I've tried trend following and had limited success. Its not say that countertrend trading is better than trend following. There are good and bad aspects for each.
For trend following, since you look for price confirmation of strength or weakness before entering, its easier to know when you are wrong and can stop out more easily. If the trend goes against you, you are wrong, and you get out. Take your loss and move on. Its part of the system. For countertrend trading, you are going against price action and buying when its going down and selling when its going up. You don't know if you are wrong or if you are early. In fact, the more a position goes against you, for a countertrend trader, theoretically the better the opportunity becomes. It makes it hard to stop out of a position and take a loss.
So overall, trend followers have big wins and small losses but a low winning percentage, while countertrend traders tend to have small wins and large losses, but a high winning percentage. Most traders want a high winning percentage, so naturally most traders end up being countertrend traders with a high winning percentage (selling winners quickly), but taking big losses when they are wrong (holding on to losers).
Obviously if you were countertrend trading in a relentless uptrend and you tried to short in 2021, you had a tough time. And as a countertrend trader, there were few opportunities to buy a decent sized dip to put on size. 2020 and 2021 were favorable for trend followers, both in stocks and bonds. In 2022, I am expecting a change with more choppy markets, shorter trends, and more fakeouts on both the upside and downside. It should finally be a good year for countertrend traders, like a 2015, like a 2018. Despite the big drop in early 2020, both 2020 and 2021 were great years for buy and hold investors. With the SPX now at nosebleed levels, and with both monetary and fiscal policy less supportive, look for more air pocket drops and fewer V bottom rallies. Fundamentals and valuations are big negatives and it is on the back of the mind of investors. I can sense a little uneasiness among the bulls, even if they are still fully invested. You can feel the lack of conviction among the bulls, as the Fed will soon be raising rates and Biden is having a tough time pushing out more pork in DC.
With most investors now conditioned to be bullish on stocks no matter what, and with above average bullish positioning among speculators and households, but with conviction that seems to be weakening, you have a formula for a 2015 type market. A lot more weak hands in the market that will be pushing the eject button when the turbulence rises.
Added to my SPX short yesterday, still have another bullet to put in the chamber, so will add that last bullet either today or on Friday. Getting set up for early January weakness.