Monday, October 7, 2024

Canary in the Coalmine

Bonds are the canaries in the coalmine.  They are the first movers.  Many short term tops in the SPX are foreshadowed by an intermediate term move higher in yields.  After bottoming at 3.60% on Tuesday, Sep. 17, the day before FOMC meeting, 10 year yields are now 40 bps higher, 3 week later.  The 4.00% yield area should be short term resistance for 10 year yields, as the Fed is still hell bent on making a dovish mistake and boxing themselves into a bunch of rate cuts.  Political Powell, once again, is making another monetary mistake due to his greed, looking to stay in power by trying to prevent Trump from getting back into the White House.  This time, instead of delaying hikes, it is rushing and pushing forward rate cuts that are unnecessary.  

Bonds are calling BS on the Fed's rate cutting path, afraid of another dovish mistake on Powell's part, his 2nd in less than 3 years.  The aggressive steepening of the yield curve, the refusal for bonds to rally despite a bigger than expected 50 bps rate cut at the last FOMC meeting, and the firming economic data.  Powell is trying to put Harris in office to assure that he gets renominated for a 3rd term, with inflation ignored and concerns about a labor market that isn't even that soft, all pretense for big rate cuts to goose the stock market and odds of Harris getting elected.  

The only way to keep the long end under control is to stop QT, and do QE again.  With the monster budget deficits, there is just too much Treasury supply to keep yields under control without a recession.  Even with 50 bps whopper cuts every 6 weeks.  Powell is once again short sighted, looking out for himself and trying to pump up the stock market to curry favor among the rich and powerful, to get support for a renomination in 2025.  It is all but guaranteed that a Trump presidency will look to replace Powell with someone that listens to Trump, not ignores him.  And Trump can clearly see that Powell is being political, and will get his revenge by kicking him out in favor of a new FOMC chair.  That new chair will likely be even more dovish than Powell, looking to keep rates low no matter what. 

The whole premise for the post FOMC rally in stocks was that the Fed was going to be dovish, to support the economy and ignore inflation in order to try to boost the job market, and thus the overall economy.  A soft landing, or even no landing scenario.  But the big cut has become counter productive because long bond yields are going up, not down.  So it minimizes the monetary stimulus of the rate cuts.  And without monetary stimulus working throughout the curve, the stock market will not be able to hang out at these nosebleed valuations for long.  The euphoria can last a few weeks, maybe even a few months with a Trump victory, but ultimately it will fail under the pressure of sticky long bond yields above 4%.  

This bond weakness comes at a time when the stock market is facing the uncertainty of the election a month way, where odds are 50-50.  You cannot get more uncertain that a coin flip.  And this market needs a Trump victory.  There is no way Harris will extend those Trump tax cuts.  She has other ideas of how to bust the budget.  And no, it will not be as stock market friendly as Trump's budget busting plans, as it will funnel more money into the lower and middle class, igniting inflation again.  

Back to the stock market.  Last week, we saw a pullback in the US amidst geopolitical concerns as crude oil rallied a few dollars and VIX squeezing higher.  It was a very mild pullback, contained to SPX 5670, the top in July.  After the blockbuster, and heavily manipulated NFP numbers came down the pike, you got the reflex rally higher in SPX towards 5750, where it is now facing some serious resistance.  During the pullback, the put buying remained subdued, and the bulls were defiant.  The financial experts on CNBC stayed bullish, and have completely bought into the Fed put and soft landing theme.  I could feel the latent bullishness on Twitter as well.  Its a warning sign that there are a lot of bulls out there that still aren't prepared for the coming election volatility.  It increases my conviction that you have to put on shorts early this week, before everyone comes to their senses and realizes that they are paying top prices right ahead of some serious election risk.  

The COT data confirms the lack of concern and heavy bullish positioning.  Asset managers hardly reduced their net long positions in SPX and NDX futures.  They even increased their net long in Russell futures despite the weakness post FOMC meeting.  Dealers have gotten even more short, shortest YTD, as the small reduction in asset manager longs was more than made up for by a reduction in shorts from leveraged funds.  In total, a bearish picture from the latest COT data.  

Covered half of my SPX short before the NFP on Thursday, and looking to re-add the short today or tomorrow.  I don't think this market will give you much time to short the highs so I will be in a rush to short any rallies.  I am looking for a return of volatility starting later this week.  Will not be picky about trying to nail the top this week, because of the lopsided risk/reward at these levels for shorts. 


Market Owl said...

Re-added the short. Now full short SPX.

Anonymous said...

what is your term target for exiting the short? Thanks

Anonymous said...

near term target

Market Owl said...

No more micro trading. Looking for a move down towards SPX 5500-5520 later this month.

Anonymous said...

Vol not really low. How would u recommend playing this in options space? Oct 18 is too soon and nov options even 570 strikes at $10-11

OL DAWG said...

11/1 spy puts 570 strike is 7.85 ask. In 4 weeks we either going to be a 590 or 540. Bet

Anonymous said...

Burnt twice recently so trying to play cautiously this time. Though if I’m too cautious, it’s going to be a big down move lol

Anonymous said...

Nvda strength also making me cautious

OL DAWG said...

I predict this week we will go down. But probably after Wednesday.

OL DAWG said...

Sold SMMT calls @ 2.80 from 3.10

OL DAWG said...

Long TLT 95 calls 11/15 @ 2.24

Market Owl said...

I wouldn't go too far out if playing options probably end of October would be ideal. Premiums for November covering the election are too high, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Thanks @marketowl

Anonymous said...

No two day streak in either direction for 10 days now, swings getting a little bigger, remains chop before the drop but drop it will, perhaps starting today.

Anonymous said...

added some tiny spy 570 strike nov 1 puts, will do more on a bigger rally but not in a rush

Anonymous said...

Concerned with what nvda is doing. This market does not want to fall badly it serms. @msrketowl am i reading too much into it?

Market Owl said...

I think you are looking to closely at the intraday price action. The market has gone sideways for nearly 3 weeks now. And positioning is quite long, and investors seem way too bullish heading into the election. I think some de-risking is likely in the next 2-3 weeks.

OL DAWG said...

Bonds can rally from here. This could fuel the bulls some more.

Anonymous said...

thank you for your thoughts. adding some nvda puts

OL DAWG said...

Just going to call out the bad trading I see around here. I'm not saying i'm a good trader myself but when you see a stock like NVDA approaching a triple top at 135 you do not short at 131 and change. Supposed to wait till at least near or at the triple top. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Dont know how to time the top. Doing in option space so can add more cheaper if it moves past 135. My conviction is not high as everyone knows what happens before elections and then it does not happen. I we do get a move lower, i will buy spy 600 calls for jan/march

Market Owl said...

I think NVDA is a decent short at these levels, mainly because I think the overall market will be going down in the next 2 weeks. I see no real edge in most single stocks here. NVDA will be a great short as we get close to year end, if the market rallies post election. As for options positions, if I were to put on a position here, I would prefer to get long vertical spreads rather than just going long a call or put. The IV is extremely high due to the election so selling OTM options to reduce the cost will increase your odds.

Anonymous said...

Will nvda not have the same cvna issue where people try to avoid capital gains this year? I guess harder to manipulate nvda is one difference

Anonymous said...

Looks like another up day today. Either the top today or we sare just wrong

Market Owl said...

If we don't go down next week, I would start to get worried. This week, we can chop around and have a few up days and it doesn't change my outlook at all. Bonds staying weak which will eventually catch up with the SPX.

Anonymous said...

I would be worried if we dont go down this week. The more we push out the fall, the less likely it becomes. Chop basically gives fuel to longs to push again

Anonymous said...

I will close out half position fri if bo fall till then

Anonymous said...

Still just chop before the drop, 10 yr above 4 and VIX above 20 will get what they want.

Anonymous said...

feels less and less like chop and more like grind higher, lets see

Anonymous said...

There will be an attempt at 5800 today. Hopefully it does because I dont want it to happen tomorrow - will be one more day of pain

Anonymous said...

One final pop for NDX to close gap, double top?, big drop in next few sessions, buckle up. 10yr and VIX do not lie?. If not Santa rally won’t be coming where will go will be the real top for this bull marche then crash into year end is my guess

Market Owl said...

10 yr yield keeps going higher. Noticed a lot of people were talking about the "box" that the SPX has been in, between 5675-5750, and now that its broken out, I am sure you will get more bulls talking breakout. With weak bonds, this looks like a false breakout and expect it to move back towards 5675 by next week.

Anonymous said...

I doubt we get to 5500 though anytime soon. May be 5600 before it marches higher again

OL DAWG said...

Sold TLT calls 1.70 from 2.24. Long DIA 11/1 425 puts 4.85

OL DAWG said...

The shitty trading continues

OL DAWG said...

The govt and media no longer have Kamalas back like they used to

Market Owl said...

Really a terrible market so far in October for shorts. But the setup still looks good, just waiting for election risk to come to the forefront.

HKAB said...

In October 2028?!?!?! :-)

Anonymous said...

some random names rallying after months of no movement. net is one. may be time to load up on value names like hdb that may benefit if we keep rallying but have limited downside

Anonymous said...

Not looking pretty for shorts. Yes possible they do ok but for such a path, reward should be greater. Still dont see what triggers a decline next week if not this week. Will this time we rally into the election and all october and then have a santa fall?

Market Owl said...

Anything is possible, but with this level of heavy long positioning and optimism, and with a weakening bond market, odds favor the shorts. All you can do is play the odds. It hasn't worked out so far, but there is still a 2 week window where the bears have the edge.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your thoughts @marketowl

OL DAWG said...


OL DAWG said...

LOL niggas be getting short since 5560 LOL

OL DAWG said...

As I look back on my last 3 months of trading and after being down -50%. All my long trades were up big. Only one short trade was worth it. The August move down. It would have been better just being long. Longs always beat the shorts in the stock market!

OL DAWG said...

I need to be what I can be, unburdened by what has been. As a middle class child

Market Owl said...

If you really believe that longs always beat the shorts in the stock market, why do you buy puts? Don't be a prisoner of the moment. Its been a great time for bulls this year, but bubbly markets like this setup tougher times for investors in the years ahead.

soong said...

Absolutely. Uptrend is long long long way. So it's name is long position.

Down trend is just like hmm.. waterfall.

Speedy, powerful, waterfall is not long.

So short is why it's short.

Long side's confidence VS Short side confidence era is gone. Thake a look around. Only the devastated defeated bears.

This time is ONLY LONGS.

What's mean lack volume situation and every day ATS!

Time to All In again.

Anonymous said...

no doubt the economy is no where near where the stock market is today, but from a pure technical standpoint, does anyone notice a cup and handle formation in S and P resolving to above 6100 in near future close to early next year ? , this thing seems to have legs

OL DAWG said...

OMG we are going to have a blow off top and the SPX is going to 5950. Every upside target I"ve been making on this site has happened. It's so easy to be long if you listened to yourself. There is a 50% chance no selloff before the election IMO. Straight to 6000.

OL DAWG said...

New near term mkt targets : spy 590 and DIA 440. No pullback until then

Anonymous said...

Interested in ur thoughts @marketowl. If u were neutral now hypothetically, how aggressively would u short? I am still in short camp but time does not seem to be on our side. But also know cant time it so willing to take some pain for big gains and not switch to the losing side exactly at the wrong time. Thank you

OL DAWG said...

Look at the chart. After every major dip, the extension after lasts roughly 3 months. From the August low we are now a little past 2 months. Also every time this market breaks out of a range, the up move lasts around 1 month. We just broke out of a range last week. Charts suggest about 3 more weeks of slow, grinding upside. This should take us to around 5900 to 6000. DIA will be like 435 by then. My shit expires 11/1. I say the right move is to trade a badly beaten down stock that has nearterm upside potential. Dumb to be short while there is like 2 to 3% upside left. Of course I can be wrong and we ca go down starting Monday, but highly unlikely. I can only hope we have at least a .5% correction on Monday to get out of shorts and reposition back to the long side for now.

Anonymous said...

I am not going long with these valuations.

Market Owl said...

I would be short fairly aggressively here, although with opex on Friday, I wouldn’t be all in short. Opex weeks after rallies to all time highs are usually bullish for Mon. and Tues. and then bearish for Thur, Fri. I see that as he most likely scenario. And then post opex heading into the election, I would expect further selling for the post opex week. After hitting all time highs this week, I now expect a pullback to take us to around 5600 support. The price action doesn’t support the view that we get a move to 5500. No big gains for shorts this year, but next year should be a much better year for those with a bearish bias.