Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Giffen Goods

The higher the prices, the more demand there is for stocks.  Stocks have turned into Giffen goods.  In particular, the Mag 7 and the other momentum favorites like LLY and COST.  They are like luxury items.   The buyers don't care about valuations.  They just care about making money, and believe that the current uptrend will continue into the future.  That is momentum investing.  The passive investors just put there money into index ETFs, target date funds, etc. and let it ride. 

This momentum game can go on for a long time but not forever.  Eventually, even luxury items like Mag 7 stocks get too expensive, and marginal buying has less effect on the stock price, and eventually when the trend breaks, the sellers come out of the woodwork.  That is what happened at the January 2018 top, February 2020 top, the January 2022 top, and the next top which I would guess happens sometime between now and year end.  Its hard to time tops, but you can get a general idea of when both valuations and positioning are extreme, and those are signals that usually result in a top within a few months. 

Dealers have been building up bigger and bigger short positions in SPX futures, amassing a larger short position than late 2021, and comparable to January 2018 and February 2020.  Those previous 3 cases were in the vicinity of significant tops that resulted in a big correction within weeks (Jan 2018, Feb 2020) to a few months (2nd half 2021).  

Large short positions for dealers means that they are hedging their books which are heavily short out of the money puts and long calls (both in and out of the money).  When institutional investors are heavily long the market, their demand for out of the money put protection increases, as well as the supply of out of the money calls, as covered calls is a popular strategy these days.  So dealers end up heavily long out of the money calls and short out of the money puts.  They hedge this by shorting futures.  

Also, you are seeing asset managers with very large net long positions in SPX futures, which is a quick and easy way for them to add net long exposure, without having to worry about picking the right stocks.  The COT data for SPX and Nasdaq futures are both showing asset managers holding large net long positions and dealers holding large net short positions.  The positioning is extreme, and sets up a ticking time bomb scenario for the SPX and NDX.  History shows that you get violent corrections off of these setups. 

As has been the case since mid May, the stock market has been going up on the strength of a small group of large cap tech stocks + a few large cap momentum stocks like LLY, COST, CMG, etc.  The majority of the stock market has not been participating in the run up from SPX 5300 to almost 5600 over the past 50 days.  This not only goes for the US stock market.  Foreign stocks markets have badly lagged the performance of the US, and are mostly trading below their early April highs.  While the SPX is up 6% from those early April highs.  The Russell 2000 trades horribly, as their fundamentals are fairly weak, and investors are not willing to push up the prices of so many value traps.  This reminds me a lot of the 1999 market when tech stocks were flying higher, but almost everything else was going sideways or down.  Only in the last gasp blow off top in spring of 2000 did you see small cap stocks catch up and squeeze higher, but that rally fizzled out immediately into a sharp correction.  The parallels between the internet bubble in the late 90s and 2000 are eerily similar to the AI bubble that we are witnessing now.  All the way down to the weak breadth in the market outside of the stocks in the bubble halo. 

Without even looking at the economic data, just by looking at the way the Russell 2000 is underperforming the broader market,  you can sense that the economy is weakening.  I don't need to see lagged, butchered, and badly manipulated BLS data to confirm what I'm seeing in the market.  Yet investors remain complacent because 1) they believe that the Fed will engineer a soft landing by cutting rates later this year 2) they are making money in their index funds and have been conditioned to buy and hold no matter what.  The 30% drop in early 2020 and the 9 month bear market in 2022 have taught investors that bear markets and sharp market drops will be brief, and that the SPX always comes back stronger, making new all time highs within either a few months or a couple of years!  

Not only do US investors believe this, foreign investors have been paying attention and seeing how much the SPX has outperformed their country's stock index since 2008, and are now believers in US stock market exceptionalism.  Foreign investors are like the dentists of the past.  They are the last to get the buy memo, and are often caught chasing strong markets right as they are about to top out.  

The ingredients for a long bear market are here.  Positioning can get more extreme, but not much more extreme.  You probably need one last bullish, euphoric move higher based on "good news", such as Trump getting elected, with investors front running potential tax cuts and whatever other fiscal stimulus that comes along with a Republican sweep of Congress and the White House.  Considering how unpopular Biden is, and how unhappy the population is with high inflation and a stagnating economy, its almost a lock at this point that Republicans sweep.  That could be the final euphoric top for this bull market before reality sets in and investors realize that even bigger budget deficits just mean more inflation and higher longer term rates, rather than a return to strong economic growth.  

Got short on Friday, which was too early, and I'm saving my short bullets for a bit higher of a move before adding.  I need to see either a extreme blowoff move higher to add or some confirmation that the upward momentum is petering out and sellers are starting to come back.  Its a hard way to make money, shorting such a strong uptrend.  But that's how some traders and investors are wired.  Perhaps a rally on the CPI number on Thursday could be the exquisite moment to add to shorts. 


OL DAWG said...

Today should be the top.

OL DAWG said...

Bitch is going down.

OL DAWG said...

Sold AMC long ZK

Anonymous said...

shorted qqq

OL DAWG said...

Very encouraging. Even bot weekly 490 QQQ Puts 7/26.

Anonymous said...

@marketowl what are you thinking? is this going straight to 6000 or we see a correction. Unless you see a chance of 4-5% correction, this may not be worth playing

OL DAWG said...

Not worried. We are still going down. We could go to 505 but this is going to run out of buyers soon.

But next time, I'm not shorting the QQQ anymore. I'm going to go long dips. I think she tops out this year at around 525. I'll be really surprised if she goes to 550. At any rate until she changes direction, it's dumb idea to short. There is an unlimited govt bid on this.

Anonymous said...

i am more convinced on qqq short. it wil behave like 2 beta on the way down

Market Owl said...

I am waiting to add to shorts after the CPI release. It appears that shorts are nervous that you get another lower than expected CPI and there is another squeeze higher. Whisper numbers is for a lower number, so I expect a sell the news scenario if that happens.

We are in the blowoff top phase, and it could go up to 5700 in a worst case scenario for shorts. Shorts have to be prepared to weather the storm before we get a sharp reversal lower. Similar price action as blowoff tops in January 2018 and September 2020.

Downside is probably limited to 5300 at most for the next pullback. I would cover shorts around 5350 to 5400 if there is a dip.

Market Owl said...

Dawg, you all in on QQQ puts? Never go all in, you have to have bullets to fight another day if you're wrong.

OL DAWG said...

All in now. Going down

Market Owl said...

I also added to SPX shorts after CPI. Close to a full position now.

OL DAWG said...

Stupid ass bitches were all saying QQQ going to 515 on this move. I even saw a revision up to 600. Niggas be thinking money grows on trees and shit. WTF do you think this is?

OL DAWG said...

If we go down another 1 % on the QQQ today for a total move of -2% I think that will be the limit. Don't know if we get there today. If not today then tomorrow.

Market Owl said...

What? You're going to cover with another 1% move lower in QQQ? I see much more downside here. Will be riding these shorts at least till post opex week of July 22 to 26, but more likely will hold into early August.

OL DAWG said...

I see a bounce on the QQQ anywhere from 492 to 495. I have weeklies expiring on 7/19 and 7/26.

I'm looking to offload the 7/19's today We're still in a bull market and niggas still think we are going to ATH again.

Market Owl said...

Ok, not much time till expiration on those QQQ July weeklies, so I guess you have to hit and run. But I expect QQQ to get down to 475 on a pullback, if you give it a few weeks.

OL DAWG said...

I dumped the 7/19's. Made a little money if not break even. Went Long NKE 8/16 75 Calls.

OL DAWG said...

Yeah I don't have time for a few weeks. I have to look to dump the 7/26's QQQ puts now. I give till middle of next week. I still think buyers show up at any level south from here.

OL DAWG said...

Next time I counter trend trade, which I think I'm going to really really try to phase out this tactic because it's a shitty way to trade in general especially in these up trending markets, I am going in 1/3 at a time.

Market Owl said...

Nothing wrong with counter trend trading, but you have to be very selective and its not where the big money is. You need to go counter trend and look for a big move, like Livermore did. The money is made in the sitting.

OL DAWG said...

Or be wrong and blow your brains out. Dawg life is too damn short to kill yourself trading with the wind in your face. I think countertrend was the worst way to trade. All these years I was trading in the wrong damn direction. You have to be dumb to trade and not be a hero rather than try to prove you're the lone wolf in a room full of sheeps.

OL DAWG said...

I'm all out dawg. I hit my target. Terrible way to make money but money was made. We likely bounce a little her

On to the next

OL DAWG said...

Okay back in it.

Long QQQ 500 Calls 8/2 expiration $5.70

Market Owl said...

Countertrend trading is in your nature, you can't fight it, you have to embrace it. Its not in our nature to be trend traders, so you have to optimize your countertrend style.

Why trade options with so little time to expiration? I know you get more leverage, but if your timing is off a bit, your options melt away fast. If I trade options, I want at least 30 days left, preferably between 45-60 days left.

OL DAWG said...

Yeah man I realized that the moves are higher the closer the expiration. Have to seek out the value. 100%+ day today. Boo YAH

OL DAWG said...

Today was the biggest one day move all year on the QQQ.

The only thing certain in the market is that nothing is certain. Even daily 0.5-1% gains get wiped out in one day.

OL DAWG said...

I think it's totally possible to change from a countertrend to a trend trader. I've been doing it way more often nowadays than in the past. My nature is to instinctively look for the opposite direction of a move. That's the natural hater in me. You want to fade shit. If you see someone getting beat you want them to start winning. It's like an underdawg or jealousy syndrome. You want to nail in the hammer that's sticking out. But more and more because 70% or more of trading volume is computerized the human element is gone from trading. Machines pick up on trends. These codes are stupid. They are just equations where numerically a number either left or right of a target makes the trade long or short. You need to go with the flow to give yourself statistically better odds of winning in trades.

Anonymous said...

@markwtowl if i tell u that powell will be incredibly bullish at the july fed and might even cut rates, does that change ur short thesis or timing of it? Given how he has done things something might be leaked a few days before the meeting, which basically gives us no more than a week to get out of the shorts. Looking at iwm today and market may react viciously

soong said...

하... -_-;; Keep calm and ...

OL DAWG said...

We going back up dawg. Up until yesterday this market is a full on raging bull. Can't expect that to change with one day.

Market Owl said...

Everyone and their mom thinks Powell will be dovish anytime he speaks. It would be surprising if he cuts in July and why would he rush it? Usually the Fed forecasts these rate cuts or hikes unless you have an emergency. I am ready to add more short on Monday. The market looks like its making a top and the moves are getting violent, as they often do at turning points.

OL DAWG said...

I think we are going to new highs again in the QQQ. As long as it stays over 495 it will be very bullish.

OL DAWG said...

Sold the calls $6.50. I'm not liking the action here at the close.

OL DAWG said...

Long ZIM 8/23 $16 calls @ 2.67
Long RUN 8/23 $17 puts @ 1.97