Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Late Stage of the AI Bubble

The internet is to AI what the airplane is to auto pilot.  Yet here we are, with investors comparing the current AI bubble with the internet bubble of the late 90s/2000.  The use cases for the internet were enormous.  The practical use cases for AI are limited and more specialized.  The internet actually saves energy, while AI consumes huge amounts of energy.  As the years go by, technological innovation continues, but the productivity gains get smaller and smaller.  Mankind have mostly picked the low hanging fruit when it comes to productivity gains through technology.  The internet was a huge productivity booster.  AI will be much less so, and at much higher costs due to the high energy use for unreliable, flawed results.  

While this AI bubble is much smaller than the internet bubble, it is more ridiculous because none of these big tech companies spending multi billions on AI have a clue on how to profitably monetize the technology.  Considering how much they have to pay to NVDA for the chips and the high maintenance costs, it requires a lot of revenue to cover the expenses.  We are still in the grace period where spending willy nilly on AI is still rewarded and even encouraged by the stock market, but that won't last forever.  Look at what happened with Facebook stock when they spent all those billions on the metaverse.  It got crushed and only recovered when Zuckerberg gave up on his dreams.  I see a similar situation where the stock market will start expecting results from all the AI spending, and will start punishing companies that keeping pouring money into the AI fire pit.  This is a controversial statement, but AI is closer to the metaverse bubble than the internet bubble.

Since the AI bubble began in 2021, first as a small niche and now as a burgeoning sector of the stock market, the hype, mentions, buzz, and excitement about AI is as intense as ever.  It is getting irrational out there.  NVDA exploding higher was the main catalyst, but its spawned "satellite" AI plays in semiconductors like TSM, AVGO, etc., in hardware like DELL and HP, utility companies that would benefit from greater electricity demand, and now, end users like AAPL, which ended up being a buy the rumor, buy the news reaction on their AI plans at the WWDC conference.  That is how big this AI bubble is becoming.  Even with AAPL just using OpenAI and not getting paid for any of the extra AI features, its getting a big boost and up 25% in less than 2 months.  The chase for anything AI related, based on extremely optimistic projections has infiltrated the stock market, and gotten retail investors buying into the hype.  Like all bubbles, retail investors are the last to get the memo and buy the most right before the bubble pops, add on the way down, and ride it all the way to the bottom.  

It is uncommon for such a bubble to happen so soon after a previous bubble, the Everything Bubble of 2020/2021, burst just 2 and 1/2 years earlier.  But investors have short memories, and the FOMO mentality is pervasive among retail investors as well as institutional investors.  The US stock market, in the form of SPX and NDX, are the gift that keep giving, which reinforces the uptrend.  It is fascinating to see investors so confident even as bond yields stay higher than most expected.  Here is a look at the household percentage of financial assets held in equities as of end of March.  This number is higher now as the S&P 500 is up another 2% since then.  

These are nosebleed levels for equity allocation among households.  Even during the dotcom bubble in 2000, the equity allocation wasn't this high.  Its slightly higher than those crazy times in 2021 when it seemed everything went up huge with investors all in on stocks.  This high of a level of equity ownership among households magnifies the wealth effect of stocks.  Don't be surprised to see consumer spending vacillate with the ups and downs of the SPX in the coming years.  The US economy is now heavily financialized, making the stock market the most powerful leading indicator of the US economy.  

As you can see from the above chart, when equities held as a percentage of financial assets gets high, a bear market is just around the corner.  

We have the CPI report and FOMC meeting today.  There seems to be quite a bit of complacency going into these events.  Based on what I hear on CNBC and Bloomberg, most are expecting a dovish Powell and a rally after the FOMC meeting.  Since the Powell dovish pivot in October 2023, the market has rallied at almost every FOMC meeting, as Powell has talked dovish at each one.  Will he repeat his dovish performance again?  I wouldn't be surprised if he did, as he seems more worried about his reappointment by the next President than he is about appropriate monetary policy.  

There continues to be breadth divergences as we got another Hindenburg Omen in the Nasdaq and more signs of a split market where a select group of tech stocks keep going higher, while a majority of stocks are unable to rally and keep up with the SPX and NDX.  Global risk appetite appears to be abating as Europe and Asia trade much weaker than the US.  Bitcoin, gold, and silver are starting to falter.   The leadership is getting narrower, and other periods where SPX kept making new highs with so many laggards led to a sudden pullback, e.g September 2014, July/August 2015, October 2018, April/May 2019, July/August 2019, and November/December 2021.  The only time within the past 10 years where the market ignored these divergences and kept going higher was in 2017.  That cannot be ruled out, but 2017 had much lower valuations than now and investors had much lower equity allocations, leaving them with much more room to add equities.  

Remaining short SPX and holding.  Looking for a 4-5% pullback from current levels to reset the bullishness and consolidate the big gains so far this year. 


Anonymous said...

you think we market the top for this summer with AVGO earnings today

nasdaq and spy broke out enough to get bulls / retail crowd

but the cnn fear and greed index is still not favorable to short

Anonymous said...

forgot to mention nice write up !!

Market Owl said...

This market is stronger than expected. Still expecting a pullback, but probably only down towards SPX 5300 and then it likely grinds higher in July. Probably a better short opportunity later in the summer, than now, from higher levels. Ultimate top though is probably happening either towards end of year or early next year.

Anonymous said...

Joined ya. Bot QQQ puts 470 strike July 26 exp

Anonymous said...

question - you expect the top to happen end of 2024 beginning of 2025 and still feel 6k is quite out of the reach? if we cant go much higher from here, isnt this so close to the top to being the top? I am inclined to buy puts on NVDA and QQQ here for jul/sep expiry. Do you think I need to be cautious esp given your view of July bull again? Thanks very much

Market Owl said...

I am expecting SPX to top out somewhere around 5700-5800, tough to guess exact number. So I guess there is still some upside, but not as steep a move higher as you saw in early 2018 or late 2021.
Its tricky to play the short side here for more than a few days pullback. I still don't see a trend change which would be required to really make money on NVDA and QQQ puts. In a bubble environment with the Fed dovish, trends can last longer than people would rationally expect. I am being a bit careful on the short side until later in the year when I see a high probability of the end of this bull market.

Anonymous said...

LOL no matter how high we are the top is always expected to be a little higher.

Anonymous said...

It seems u have been pushing ur big short thesis for a couple years now. Certainly right call for last couple years but feels like a moving target after every move higher - both timing of the top and the level itself. My gut said 6k this year but have been positioned otherwise

Market Owl said...

Its tough to time the top of this bubble. Because bubbles are irrational, historical patterns are less helpful. But there are limits to how high these things go, and there are behavioral and psychological patterns that help with timing the top. We are getting warning signs, but the market has been ignoring them, and the SPX and NDX are ridiculously strong vs every other asset class, that it just doesn't feel like the ultimate top just yet. If you get some more excitement about the beginning of the Fed rate cut cycle (well advertised), that could be a sell the news opportunity, but even then, I don't know if you can top out before the election, as I expect Trump to get elected and investors reflexively bet on another big post-election rally into year end. But it does set up a monster short opportunity for 2025, so don't want to waste too many bullets going short this year, except for precision strike opportunities.

Anonymous said...

No guarantee Trump wins. Democrats are bigger cheaters so nothing is safe anymore. No more fair play

OL DAWG said...

Mkt acting like it doesnt want to go down. Might make more new highs into next week.,

Anonymous said...

why short spx or ndx when these are overly manipulated and showcased for elections

these big tech companies do well in recessionary / bubble type market much more than they do during bull market

isnt russels 2000 and better breath for the struggling economy

Market Owl said...

Agree, looks like we're likely going higher into next week, I'll add more short next week.

MM111 said...
